Chapter 1

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Clarke Pov
I stare at Nia as she lays in her bed bleeding from the wound she got from a battle with trikru. "Clarke?" She says. I stand up and I grab her hand. "My queen?" I ask.

"With my son Roan banished someone must take the throne." I look at her confused.

"What are you talking about your going to be fine." I say and she just gives me a small smile. "No...I've lost too much blood already. When I saved you a year ago   I saw something. I saw a leader in you. I knew you would be the queen of Azgeda one day.....I guess that day is today." She says with a small sigh.

I try to keep the tears from falling. I look over at Tom her most trusted general. "I can't be the queen no one will accept it." I say and Nia chuckles. "The people love you Clarke most anyways...besides it's already done." She says then beacons Tom to come over. He stands up and walks over to Nia's desk and grabs a document. "This states that I name you the next queen of Azgeda all you have to do is sign it and it" That's when Tom hands me a pen and for some reason it fills Heavy in my hand.

"Please...Clarke for my nation...for your nation." And that's when the tears begin to fall. I slowly nod my head and I sign the document. I then look back at Nia and grab her hand again.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." I say. She smiles at me weakly. "It's ok Clarke. I fought hard until the very end." She says.

"Thank you.....for everything." I say with more tears.

"You are very welcome. a great......queen....I" And with that said she takes one final breath and then she stops breathing. That's when my body is wrecked with sobs. "Yu gonplei ste odon."

That's when I look up at Tom and then he kneels. "My queen."
It's been two hours since Nia had died. Tom had gone off to tell my other four generals about my coronation. I hear a knock from my door. "Enter." I say with a horse voice.

I turn around to see Echo. She kneels in front of me. "My queen." She says. "Stand up Echo you are my friend and I need you." She stands up and looks at me. "Oh Clarke I'm so sorry." She says wrapping her arms around me.

"I know how important she was to you." I smile sadly at her. "She was like a mother to me." I say with sadness in my voice. "I know." She says with a small sigh.

I let out a yawn. "You've had a long day Clarke you should rest." Echo says with concern. I smile sadly. " I know...will you stay with me tonight?" I ask her. She nods her head. "I shall sleep on the floor."

And I roll my eyes. "No Echo your not sleeping on the floor you can sleep next to me." I say. She nods her head. I walk over to my bed and I wrap myself up in my furs. Echo lays beside me but a few inches away. "Goodnight Echo." I say. "Goodnight Clarke." And with that I close my eyes.

Flashback/ dream
I can't believe it. All my friends have been taken. All of them well besides Raven who I'm carrying. We have no where to go. We're surrounded by grounders who want nothing more than to kill us. All of my friends could be dead for all I know but I won't lose Raven. I can't lose her. "Ugh can you please sit me down?" Raven moans. I shake my head no. "You need help and I'm gonna get you that help too." I say with a small grunt. "Come on Clarke your tired and the way I'm on your back it is hurting mine." I let out a sigh but finally give in. "Fine." I say sitting her down and then I sit down right next to her. "How long have you been walking for?" she asks. "At least two hours now...why?" She lets out a sigh. "Do you think they're ok?" She asks.

"I have no clue...but I hope they are." She nods her head. That's when I hear horses hooves but by the time I'm up ten horses are in front of me with bows and swords pointed at me. "Please leave us alone haven't you've done enough." I say standing in front of Raven not like it would do much seeing as they could just kill me. That's when a woman comes outs from behind her horse.

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