Chapter two

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I just received a text message from Adeline. She said that she won't be able to go home with me. Guess I'll have to walk back since she was my only ride home.

I decided to walk faster when I saw the grey sky. It could rain any moment now. I was walking by the sidewalk when I felt small raindrop at the back of my neck. I looked up and another drop of rain falls onto my glasses.

Oh no.

Suddenly there was a car honk, surprising me that I stepped onto a puddle. I cursed under my breath as I felt my feet are now soaking wet. I turned around, ready to shout at the culprit. But I was shocked to see who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hey, want a ride home? It's going to rain heavily any minute," Nathaniel said with his sweet smile.


I should have kicked myself for stuttering.

Nathaniel chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't bite. Besides, I'm going to my friend house. He lived in the same neighbourhood or you would rather get soaked in the rain?"

Only God know how happy I was as I entered his car.

There was silence for a moment before Nathaniel decided to speak first.

"So, you're Skye, right?"

I nodded. "How did you know my name? I didn't know I was popular that the Nathaniel Oliver knows my name."

He smiled. "Well, I always saw Arthur teasing and making fun of you. It must be hard getting all the 'attention'."

"Yeah, that jerk has been harassing my life since we were kids," I said as I studied him. He was still in his jersey, so I assumed that he just finished from football training.

"How did you two know each other anyway?" he asked.

"Apparently our parents are best friends. They went to the same college. And so they wanted their kids to be friends too. Lucky me," I replied, sighing. "Wait, why we are talking about him anyway?"

But Nathaniel never gets to answer me because we have arrived in front of my house.

"Alright, we are here,"

"Thanks for the ride,"

Nathaniel just smiled and nodded. I quickly slipped out from the car and run to my house. It was already raining heavily and I didn't even realize it when I was in the car. My conversation with Nathaniel was like a dream come true.

I entered the house with a huge grin on my face.

"Skye, are you okay? If you continue smiling like that, your face might break," my dad joked.

I followed him to the kitchen. "Nothing, I'm just happy. By the way, I thought you will be late tonight."

"Well, your brother is coming home today and your mother is going to cook a lot of delicious meals, so I wouldn't want to miss that," my dad said and wink at mum who was preparing spices for the roasted chicken. Mum just rolled her eyes.

"What? Jay's coming home today? When will he arrive?" I asked excitedly.

I'm so happy to see my big brother again. Jay is my only brother and I love him so much. He's an awesome brother although a bit protective. But since he went to college last year, he hardly has time to go home.

"Skye, why are you still here? Go and take a shower or else you'll get sick," my mum said with both her hands on her waist. "If you get sick, you'll go to the clinic by yourself"

I quickly ran up the stairs. My mum is very strict, opposite to my dad who loves to joke around. But of course she didn't mean it.

When I get sick, mum will sleep in my room to watch over me. She would take care of me as if I'm still her little baby and dad will secretly buy me snacks when mum was not at home. Well, I am their only daughter and since I'm the youngest, I never lack of love. I love my family very much.

After taking a warm shower, I jumped onto my bed and called Adeline.


"Hi Adel, guess who's coming back tonight?"

"Don't tell me, its Jay right?"

"Yep, I'm so happy,"

"And I'm so jealous. I wanted to see your brother too, I mean who wouldn't, right? He's one handsome guy. Did I say he's perfect too?"

I chuckled at Adeline's comment about my brother. I have to admit she's right. My brother is perfect. Not to mention he's good in sport and have good grades too. But sometimes I wonder how different I am with my brother.
He's popular and I'm not. He's good-looking and me, well, I don't think I could be considered as beautiful. People wouldn't even look at a girl with thick black rimmed glasses and braces. I'm practically an average looking nerd. Who am I kidding? But thank God I have at least a good brain because it would be a pity to look like a nerd but doesn't have the brain like one.

"Hey earth to Skye, are you still there?"

"Oh sorry. What did you say again?"

"Never mind, well, I better go now. My mum's calling me. I bet she want me to take care of my troublesome twin brothers,"

"Okay, i wish you luck," I laughed. I know all about Adeline's little brothers. I had deal with them many times with Adeline. Those twins are really handful. They are like the small version of the Hitachin brothers in OHSHC.

Surprise? Well, I'm a full package nerd. I like books, anime, manga and music.

Anyway after I turn off my phone, then I remember the real reason I called Adeline. I wanted to tell her about my ride with Nathaniel Oliver. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow at school.

I fell asleep after calling Adeline. Something was poking my cheek but I was too sleepy to wake up. I groaned and pull up my blanket, covering my face.

"Oh... So, you don't want to welcome your sweet brother." said a young male voice.

My eyes were wide open when I heard that voice. With messy hair, I hugged Jay.

"I thought you don't want to see me," Jay said, sulkily.

"Of course not. I was just tired," I said as I let go of him and look for my glasses. "Anyway, I miss you a lot, Jay. You should have come home more often to visit us,"

"How many times do I have to say, call me big brother. But still, I miss you too and sorry, there's a lot of work as a college student, you know," he said, smiling.

Then he pinched my cheeks. "I'm so happy to see my little sister again. You know, I still remember you as my cute chubby little sister. Now, my baby sister has grown to a hot beautiful girl,"

"Yeah right, at school I'm rated as 'nerd'. Is that what they call a hot beautiful girl? No, right," I said, folding my arms.

"Whatever. They don't know you like I do. Come on, let's go down. Mum's preparing dinner," Jay said and pulls me off my bed.

We went down, hand in hand. He just arrived but he has started to treat me like a child. That's Jay, of course. Even when crossing the street or at the supermarket, he will never let go of my hand. He said I would get lost. Sometimes I was quite embarrassed especially when students from my school saw me being treated like a spoilt child.

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