Frank the Plank

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Soon having Lola and Logan around at the Gallagher's was routine. Even Frank got used to them. Logan and Lola would walk with the kids from school to their house. Lola repeatedly told herself it was because Logan and Carl were best friends, but she found herself wanting to be there. She loved talking to Fiona and Veronica, hanging out with Lip and Ian, hearing Franks long rants when he was high, and spoiling Debbie.

She was told things by them all. The biggest surprise was when Lip shared that Ian was gay. In front of Ian. Ian was mad at first but he came around. He even told her about some of his Kash adventures, good and bad.

Lola laughed to herself as she entered the Gallagher territory. "Fiona! Steve and I bought the burgers!" Ian yelled to Fiona.

"Great! Start passing them out!" Fiona yelled back. Ian pulled the foil off of a burger. And stuck it in Lola's face.

"How can you just want a boring burger instead of the chili burger?" He said tauntingly, waving the food in her face.

"I happen to like my classic burger thank you very much." She said teasingly. Ian rolled his eyes. Lola grabbed the bags and headed to the kitchen.

As Lola put the bags on the counter, Ian clattered through the fridge. "Coke?" Ian said handing Lola a can.

"Thanks." She smiled taking it.

"So you and Lip have been hanging out quite a bit." Ian said sipping his drink. Lola blushed.

"Yeah." She replied looking down and picking at the top of the can.

"You guys a thing?"

"I don't know yet." She replied earnestly. She thought back to the little moments her and Lip have been having. He keeps trying to make her laugh, giving her things, touching her, helping her with geometry.

"Well he wants to get in your pants." Ian said rolling his eyes. Lola leaned against the counter next to Ian and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Stop." She giggled.

"No I'm serious Lola." Ian turned to face Lola and looked her in eyes, she suddenly wanted to cower. "Lip is not one to get into anything, he wants sex. No strings attached." Lola felt her heart drop into her stomach. She suddenly became angry with Ian, he was trying to assume she was weak.

"Who says I don't want the sex no strings attached either!?" She said shoving past him and going upstairs to talk to Lip. She opened the door and huffed as she flopped onto Ian's bed.

"What's up?" Lip asked looking up from his calculus book, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. She took the cigarette out and took a long drag.

"Ian." She said while blowing out the smoke. Lip nodded.

"He can be a prick sometimes." Lola looked down at him. She put the cigarette in the ash tray and kissed him. Lip went into the kiss eagerly and pulled her down onto his lap, smiling into the kiss. Lola heard the door open.

"Look Lola," she jumped and saw Ian gaping at her and Lip. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He laughed humorously. "He's fucking Karen Jackson!" He yelled and he stormed out of the room. Lola got off of Lips lap.

"That true?" She said nonchalantly while putting her shirt back on.

"About Karen? Yeah." He replied.

"You couldn't tell me before?" Lola said throwing Lip's shirt at him. She took off after Ian. She saw him stalking off. She ran after him. "Come on Ian!" She pulled his shoulder back so he was facing her, she looked directly into his eyes. "It was just a kiss! I don't want to have sex with your brother anymore!"

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