merry Christmas (;
I wake up with a headache, groggily looking around. "First day of school, babe." Vic's voice says softly, pulling me out of my slumber. "No." I groan, swatting away his hand. He laughs and presses a kiss to my forehead. "Come on, I gotta take the kids."
I watch as he readjusts his tie, tucking in his work shirt. "Do you have to go to work after?" I ask, earning a small nod from him. He watches himself in the mirror, readjusting his appearance. "You'll be fine." He smiles, turning to me. I make grabby hands at him, a small chuckle coming from him as he comes forward.
He engulfs me in his arms and I sigh in content, closing my eyes. "I love you." I murmur, smiling as he holds me tighter. "Love you too. Little kids are already eating breakfast and the older ones are in the car. I should probably go now."
"Alright." I sigh, leaning back and pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiles and breaks away, giving me another hug. "I'll be home at six."
"I love you." I say again. Vic smiles and ruffles my hair. "Love you too, now get up."
I watch as he leaves, falling back against the pillows and sighing. "Up!" Vic yells, a smile coming to my lips. "I'm up, I'm up!" I yell back, standing and leaving my room. Vic blows me a kiss as I slump my way down the stairs.
"Dad! Dad put the milk in before the cereal and now I have too much milk!"
A small smile comes to my lips and I shake my head, coming towards the whining kid. "Yeah, he does that sometimes. Want me to make you a new one?" I ask. The kid, Lauren, smiles and nods happily, her twin brother, Jason, slurping up his own bowl.
I grab Lauren's bowl, putting it on the counter before grabbing another bowl. She watches me as I pour cereal into the new bowl, pouring in the milk afterwards. "Are you going to eat the one daddy poured?" Lauren asks, smiling as I push her new bowl in front of her.
"Yeah, I've gotten used to the sogginess of the cereal after all these years."
Jason makes a sound of disgust, finishing his bowl and slinking out of his chair. "Go wash up and sit on the couch." I say as he leaves the room to go to the bathroom. Lauren munches her cereal happily, the sound of a baby crying filling the air. "I'll get her!" Jason yells and I jump to my feet.
"No you won't mister!" I yell back, dashing up the stairs. Jason and I race to Christine's room and I basically push him out of the way. He giggles as I swoop Christine out of her crib, cradling her to my chest.
She cries loudly as I walk back down the stairs to the kitchen, seeing a bottle already made on the counter. There's a little note taped to it and I smile as I read it.
'Hey , I made this for you cause I figured you'd forget to do it. It's already heated up and yes I put it in hot water not the microwave xoxox - Vic'
I smile widely and pick up the bottle, slipping the note inside my pocket. "Dad!" Lauren screams, ripping her blanket out of Jason's hands. "Stop fighting." I scold, putting the bottle to Christine's lips. Every now and then we give Christine a bottle. We were slowly leaning her off of the formula.
They scream at each other as I turn on the tv, holding the bottle up with my chin as I hold the remote. "What do you want to watch?" I ask, opening Netflix. "Pony's!" Lauren screams, Jason looking at her with disgust. "No! Lego's!" He screams back.
I roll my eyes, scrolling through family movies. "How bout Box Trolls?"
Christine happily eats her formula as Jason and Lauren continue to fight. I click on Box Trolls. They stop fighting almost immediately, quickly losing all attention to anything but the movie.
Christine is old enough that I don't need to burp her after feeding her so I just set her down next to Jason, a small whine coming from her. "Don't cry please," I sigh. "I need to finish some paper work in the office."
"Take her away." Jason whines, pushing Christine a tiny bit. This causes her to start crying loudly. "Be nice to your sister!" I scold, picking her up. "Just... Just sit here and watch." I sigh, taking Christine with me. With much difficulty, I manage to bring my bowl of cereal and the sobbing baby into the office.
I set Christine in her highchair and give her some toys as I begin to fill out some things for Jackson's school. I leave the door open so I can watch Jason and Lauren as well as Christine.
I'm only sat there for a few minutes before the home phone starts ringing. A small frown comes to my face when I realize that it's not Vic. It's Eleanor.
"Hello?" I ask, Christine throwing her toy at me. "Hey, Kellin or Vic?" She asks, laughing softly. I smile. "Kellin, Vic's at work."
"Right, right. We have a placement, if you're free."
"Details?" I hum, even though I know I'd have to talk to Vic first.
"Baby boy, he's three days old and his name is Timothy. Mom is having some mental problems and we're not sure how long it'll take to see if she's stable. It will most likely be a permanent placement that will lead to adoption. Of course, if you aren't available I can just go to the Joseph's. I just realized you haven't had a baby since you adopted Christine."
"Right, right. I'll have to talk to Vic. Can I call you back with an answer?"
"Yeah of course, I'll be waiting."
"Thanks, talk to you in a minute."
I hang up the phone, handing Christine her toy back. "How are you guys doing in there?" I call out, pulling up Vic's contact and pressing call. "We're good." Jason calls back, Lauren too immersed in the movie to say anything.
Vic picks up after the second ring. "Hey, you okay. The kids okay?" He asks quickly, not giving me a chance to even greet him.
"Hello to you too." I chuckle, a deep sigh coming from him. "Sorry, it's just I left less than an hour ago and I'm not even at work yet so I thought something happened. What's up?" He asks softly.
"I got a call from Eleanor." I hum, twirling a pen with my fingers. "Placement?" He asks.
"Mhm, baby boy named Timothy he's three days old. Mom's having some mental health issues." I explain, listening for Vic's response. "Do we even have any room for another?" He asks.
"Well technically yeah. We have two sets of twins that both count as one so we have room."
"If you're okay with it, then I am." Vic says softly, a small smile coming to my face. "I love you." I hum, leaning back in my seat. "Love you too, text me when you pick him up."
"Alright, I'll let you get to work, Bye."
"Bye, I'll see you soon."
I end the call and quickly call Eleanor back. "We'll take him. Just tell me when and where I need to pick him up."
"Great! Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"
"Of course."
"Perfect, I'll see you there."
hello yes I'm so excited for this I love writing this already and I'm even more excited because this is in kellins POV instead of vics (; , comment an vote an stuff I wanna see if we can get this book ranked too

Multitude || Kellic -book #2-
Fanfiction-sequel to Daddy Issues , you will need to read that first to understand references in this book-