Chapter One

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"Mom I'm home!" I call out. I walk into the kitchen and throw my backpack onto the carpeted stairs making it land with a loud thud. I walk into the kitchen to see my brother Alex doing is homework. "Sup nerd." He says without taking his eyes from the paper in front of him. Of course I'm the nerd when all he ever does is homework and extra credit.  "Where's mom?" I ask ignoring his eude comment. He doesn't answer just returns his full attention to his homework. I groan before I take out my phone and discover that mom left to go to the grocery store. I grab my backpack and head upstairs to my bedroom and plop down on my bed, ignoring all the homework that I had for the night. "MIRCLE MOM'S HOME AND SAYS SHE WANTS TO TALK TO US!" I hear Alex yell from downstairs. Oh god, one of us is in trouble. I slowly get up off my bed while a million thoughts run through my head. "Alex probably got a bad grade." I say to myself. The bad feeling I have tells me otherwise. I walk down the stairs and plop down next to Alex in the couch. With one look I can tell that he is worried to. "Guy's I got a call from your great grandmother this morning." My heart dropped in my chest. Whenever they call it's not good. Them and my mom never really got along. "Aunt Sydney overdosed on heroin last night." My heart went from my chest to my toes. My throat went dry. "Is she alright?" Alex asks, his voice cracking like he's about to cry. "She died earlier this morning." My mom looks at the ground. Tears well up in my eyes but I blink them away. "No." Alex cries. Alex was her baby, she spoiled the crap out of him. I was always so jealous of there relationship. He stands up off the couch and runs up to his room and slams the door. My mom let's out a sigh before grabbing my knee. "You know she did this to herself, I'd she would've just listened to me-" "Oh shut up." I cut her off. "Stop making this about you." Its the first time I've stood up to my mother and it gives me a serge of power. That's when I stand up and rush off to my room. Happy to finally be able to let the tears roll out of my eyes. I run to my desk and grab the picture of her I have laying on it and pull it to my chest. "Why did you leave me?" I cry. Tears drip onto my shirt and stain my cheeks. I set the picture down on the pillow next to my side of the bed and get under the blanket. Before long my crying stops and I fall into a dreamless sleep.

"MIRCLE, PHONE!" My mother calls from downstairs. The sound wakes me up and I turn to look over at my clock. "6:00pm" I read aloud. I set the picture on my nightstand so it wouldn't break or fall and trudge down the stairs. I pick up the white phone we have on the wall, "Hello?" I say into it. "Hi, is this Mircle Stevens?" A hear a cheery voice say. "Yes mam, who is this?" I say in an important sounding voice. "This is Mrs. Johnsons foster home for young boys." Confusion runs through my mind. "I am very sorry for your aunt's death, but you do know that you are the godmother of Oliver Reynolds correct?" I forgot, Sydney made me Oliver's godmother, assuring that if somthing were to happen to her I was going to be much older, she was wrong. "Yes I'm quite aware." I reply. "Okay, now we were wondering if you would like to receive custody of him, we will give you 24 hours to decide. If not he will most likely remain in the foster care system." This hit me like a train caring a load of bricks. I'm 14 years old, to young to raise a baby. I can't just leave him in the system though can I? "Okay thank you." I tell her. "You will receive a call sometime tomorrow." The line does dead. "Who was that?" My mom asks. I sister down at the kitchen table trying to take everything all in. "Sydney made me Oliver's godmother." I breath out. My mom let's out a loud laugh. "Honey you can be serious, there is no way your taking that baby in." She laughs some more. The sound of her laughing over him like that makes me beyond angry. "Why not?" I hiss. She turns to me. "Your 16 years old, you can't even take care of yourself how the hell are you gonna raise a baby boy?" That's an answer I don't even know the answer to, but there's no way I'm leaving a baby in the system where I know I'll never see him again.  "I'm his godmother, Sydney trusted me with this job, I'm going to try my hardest. Not just for her but for that baby." I get up to head upstairs but my mom stops me. "If you get custody of that baby, your never to step foot in my house again." I let out a chuckle and stare her dead in the eyes. "I'll go pack my things."

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