Chapter 31

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"Okay kids", Nathair interjected. "Hate to break this little love fest up but the time has come for us to part ways. It's time for you both to answer the Lady's call and fulfil your combined destinies. I've done all I can to help you. But now it's up to you both. It was what you were both born to do."

Flynn and Lilith walked up to Nathair who pulled them both into an embrace.

"They grow up so fast!", he said in his usual sarcastic manner. "But I am proud of you guys. Of the powerful witches you've both become. I know you will succeed."

They smiled up at Nathair. There was no more need for words. He understood just how grateful they were. There's was a friendship that would last forever. Nathair walked into the middle of the clearing. Using the earth, he created two large ornate pillars. His icy breath escaped his nostrils and snaked its way between the two pillars. It froze there and created a mirror made of ice. In its reflection Lilith could see a land that was familiar to her but also looked completely different. There earth was scorched and blackened. There were no trees, grass or plants of any kind and fires raged up out of the cracked desolate land.

"The lair of the conriochte is not far from that spot. You must face her Lilith. Kill or be killed there is no other choice", Nathair said looking deep into my eyes. His meaningful gaze instilling her with courage. He turned to face Flynn.

"Flynn you are there to support Lilith. You cannot kill the Maiden's demon. But you can make sure that when it comes down to it, that it's a fair fight."

Nathair swept them towards the mirror with his muscular tail. "Step through and you will be transported to that spot. I wish you both the best of luck."

Just before the they stepped through the mirror Nathair whispered in Lilith's ear. "Remember Lilith, don't just be the storm. Be the lightening that strikes fear into the heart".

Without any further chance of explanation, Nathair nudged Flynn and Lilith forward through the icy veil and on to face their destiny. 

Flynn and Lilith stumbled through the icy mirror onto the blackened earth, a cloud of ashes swirled up under their feet and the mirror shattered behind then instantly. Flynn took off straight away, pulling her along with him.

"Come on we haven't got much time. The sky may already be dark because of all the ash and soot but there's only about an hour or two until night fall and we have to get there before then!", he said anxiously still dragging her forward.

"Wow wait, what are you talking about?! It's still a week until the blue moon. We must wait 'til then, it's when I'll be at my strongest and the only time, I'll even have a chance against Fraoichin", she replied halting, willing Flynn to stop and explain.

"Actually.... you were on your little spirit journey a lot longer than you think. Tonight, is the night of the blue moon. The only chance, as you said, for us to succeed", Flynn said, cringing at my horrified expression.

"And you failed to tell me this up until now?!", Lilith shouted beginning to hyperventilate. "Seriously?! I thought we had more time to come up with a plan or something!". "Oh, my goddess, I am going to die!", she said quickly pacing to and fro her head in her hands.

"Hey, hey calm down okay", Flynn said taking hold of Lilith's shoulders. "You can do this. You're strong and powerful and I know you can beat the conriochte."

He stared meaningfully into her eyes. His gaze was like a warm fire melting the icy fear that had taken hold of her, just like he always managed to do.

Lilith sighed deeply. "Okay... I guess we should get a move on then." "Preferably at a faster speed than we can walk", she said smiling. "I've got an idea".

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