Chapter 12

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Flynn and Lilith had sailed with great speed across the deep vast, ocean. Flynn, now recovered from the summoning, controlled the wind to speed up their journey. They may have been travelling at a great pace, but Lilith was still getting weaker. It had been three days. Eirnmore had long since disappeared from view. Yet still the illusive island they searched for, was nowhere to be seen. Flynn conjured fresh water from the small wispy clouds high up in the sky for them to drink and he dove deep into the sea to catch fish to keep them fed. This would do for now, but it had been a long time now since either he or Lilith had eaten anything other than fish. What little water they had wasn't enough. Their thirst was growing, and Lilith wasn't getting any better. Time was running out.

That night Lilith was sick with fever, mumbling incoherently. Sweat streamed down her skin. Over the last few days Lilith, compared to now anyway, had been doing better. She had been awake and able to speak to Flynn. This had given Flynn hope. But now, that hope was dying. Lilith's sweat soaked skin glistened, just as the ocean did in the pale moonlight. The new moon had come and gone two days ago. The moon was now waxing. Growing towards its fullest once more.

Tonight, there was no natural wind and Flynn, dehydrated and exhausted, had nothing left within him to control the air or water around them. The small craft drifted slowly, bobbing along over the waves. Flynn looked up to the dark sky with its stars sparkling like countless diamonds. Flynn prayed for a miracle to help them get moving again. But there was no answer this time. No one to save them. After an hour or so Flynn began to tire. He lay himself down upon one of the small benches and watched Lilith sleep for a while. She still mumbled to herself every now and then. Slowly Flynn closed his eyes and fell asleep.

'At least conriochte don't swim well', he thought as he drifted to sleep.

From a little way off. Two bright amber eyes watch the small craft. The creature to which they belonged, smiled to itself beneath the surface of the water. All that could be seen of the creature was its large piercing eyes, and the tip of its back.

'Sleep. Tomorrow, we begin', it thought, as the creature submerged itself fully. Leaving only a small ripple in the water and a few bubbles of air in its wake.

As Flynn and Lilith slept. Black ominous clouds began to role in from the south. So thick that the light of the moon was blocked out and the water became violent and rough.


She felt small drops of water upon her face. 'Flynn joking around', she thought grumpily.

As she came more to her senses, she very soon realized that was not the case. The wind roared; her damp hair lashed across her face like a whip. The world was rocking violently, making her feel sick. She still felt extremely weak. Her injuries throbbed but she felt they had stopped bleeding.

Lilith opened her eyes and realized she was facing the side of the inside of a boat. She moved slightly, causing water to swish around her head. She froze. She had never been a great swimmer. Slowly she lifted herself up onto her elbows. Wincing as her injuries seared with pain. There was water inside the boat. Most likely, based on the rough seas, thrown in by the waves than the likelihood of there being a leak in the boat. She looked to Flynn who was still asleep. Sprawled out across the seat, almost pitching over the side of the boat as it was rocked violently by the waves. How he could sleep in weather like this was beyond her. A severe storm was clearly brewing. But she was far too weak to do anything to help them right now. Her head was spinning, and she felt the need to throw up. She quickly leaned over the side of the bow to do so, acid and bile burned her throat as she coughed fiercely, clinging to the slippery, damp wood to pretend herself from being thrown overboard. The taste in her mouth was vile but she'd have to live with it. She had more important things to deal with right now.

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