Episode Four

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*Royal Palace Of King Henry*
Mary's Pov, 

The sound of birds chirping and carriage horse's hoofs treading awoke me from my peaceful sleep, I laid there awake staring at the ceiling.

I finally decided to get out of bed and and put on my floor length robe and made my way to my father's chambers.

As I approached his doors I softly knocked, in case he was still sleeping. After a moment I heard a low "come in" I carefully pushed the door open and walked in, smiling as I approached him.

I sat on the edge of his bed and held his hand in my own, looking down while still smiling. "you seem unusually happy" I nodded and lifted my head to face him. "I am happy father" we spent the morning conversing and eating breakfast in his room, after awhile I made my way back to my own chambers. 

I glanced through my gowns and decided on this.

I placed my hair in a simple yet elegant updo and slipped my small size 7 feet in shiny elegant black flats

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I placed my hair in a simple yet elegant updo and slipped my small size 7 feet in shiny elegant black flats.

Throughout the day I explored most parts of the palace, a few times I had encountered the King and surprisingly took a stroll in his majesty's royal garden.

I knew it was forbidden for a maiden to have interactions with a King but my heart did not wish to be burdened with such laws, I Mary Anne Boleyn was falling for the King of England and he made it clear he was well aware of it and did not care of the consequences.

After giving me a grand tour of the outdoors of the palace, the King accompanied me back to the palace, the tour proceeded.

After hours of conversing and exploring more rooms of the palace the King escorted me back to my chambers, he stopped at my doors and lifted my hand and placed a soft kiss upon the top of my hand.

I smiled as my heart fluttered with joy, he turned to leave my presence but I grabbed his arm. He turned to face me, I looked into his eye's and softly said "stay...my King" he smiled and nodded, I pushed my doors open and pulled him in.

Once we were safely and privately inside my chambers I pulled him to me and reached up on my toes while cupping both sides of his face and kissed his lips softly, he of course kissed back.

Things suddenly became heated and things went further than we both expected. At first it was painful as I heard others say it would be but not long after it was blissful, magical even. The King was very graceful about it and treated me as if I was fragile, though since It was my first time in his eye's I probably was.

Hours later we just laid there in comfortable silence, I just lost my virtue to the King and had no regrets, only but one I wouldn't dare speak aloud especially not to the King. He soon left so it wouldn't be conspicuous to others.

To Be Continued....

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