One shot - Taurus (f) x Sagittarius (m)

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Sagittarius POV

I've dated many girls before, all of them were really hot, but most were, well, boring. They all cared too much about their looks, reputation, etc. because I dated particular type of girls. Now everyone thinks I'm a bit of a player. Ah well. Girls can't but help throw themselves at me.

Right now I'm dating Leo. She's a cheerleader but she does um, sort of focus on her looks and rep. However, she lets me do what I want but can get jealous if I hang out with a girl too much.

'Hey Sagi' Leo purred. Oops, didn't notice her there.

'Yeah,' I said lazily, 'What you want?' Currently, we were at a party at Aries' house.

'Oh never mind,' Leo said nervously. I looked at her confused. She was hardly ever nervous but I shrugged it off as she stalked off.

I walked to the kitchen. There was Taurus eating some pizza. I never really noticed, but Taurus is so chilled and relaxed but she is really stubborn sometimes.

'Oh hey Sag,' she said as she took another piece.

'Can I have one?' I asked, looking at the cheesy pizza.

'Um.. sure!' Taurus said happily munching on her slice. I looked at her. She was so happy, not giving a f*ck whether people thought she was a fatso, even though she barely gained any weight.

Taurus POV

When Sagittarius walked in, I suddenly felt very self conscious of how much I was eating but he didn't seem so bothered so I just continued munching on my pizza.

'Can I have one?' Sag asked. I wasn't sure but I decided to be nice and let him have one, but he didn't take a slice and just stared at me. Did he think I was fat or something? Rude.

'Got a problem?' I asked wearily once I'd finished my slice. He shook his head. I raised an eyebrow.

'Fine, I just like how you don't care what others think. There.' He admitted. Well okay..

'Is that a compliment?' I asked teasingly.

'I guess so,' he replied, a little flirtatiously. Typical.

Suddenly Leo burst through the door. I stared at her. Wasn't she Aries' girlfriend? I saw her sucking his face back out there.

'Oh my god Sagi! What are you doing with Taurus?' she asked angrily. Huh? They weren't a couple were they? Sagittarius looked perplexed.

'She's my friend!' he said defensively.

'AND I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!' Leo shouted. She sounded a bit drunk, 'I'm breaking up with you. You cheated on me!' 

'Then why were you sucking face with Aries out there?' I asked rudely. Leo looked at me confused and panicked. Sagittarius looked furious and he glared at Leo waiting for an explanation. This was scary - he was barely ever angry.

'You kissed Aries?' Sagittarius hissed menacingly.

'Hahaha no haha yes bye!' Leo said with a fake smile on her face and she bolted out.

It was silent for a while.

'Well um,' I said awkwardly while Sagi just stared at the pizza, 'I'm really sorry, I had no idea you and Leo were a thing and I was confused when she said she was your girlfriend because I thought she was Aries' girlfriend!' I was suddenly really upset when I realised what I'd done.

'No, it's alright. I never really felt a spark for Leo. I feel it for someone else.' Sagi said. Well nice to know!

'Um, okay?' I said, Sagittarius was looking at me weirdly.

'Do you know who?' Sagittarius asked.

'Um, Virgo or someone?' I said desperately. This was so awkward!

'It's you.' WTF. I gave him a suspicious look.

'Are you winding me up?' I asked, knowing this could be one of Sagittarius' many pranks.

'NO!' he said loudly, 'I swear! I've realised that you're so chill and free and that's the person that I need!' 

'But, but, you will leave me if a prettier girl comes along!' I said, tears in my eyes. I know that would happen. What if Leo wanted him back and he realised I was just plain useless?

'I swear I wouldn't. You're the prettiest anyway. If we do break up that will be because it was a mutual agreement.' He said seriously. I've never seen him so serious. Wow.

'I do like you.. but - ' I started but was interrupted by Sagittarius kissing me.

'Hey! I never said you could do that!' I pouted.

'Sorry..' and I felt his huge arms wrap around me. I felt so safe and sound in them.


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