To The C.D.C, Then?

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Octavia's POV

The next morning came slowly, the camp filled with a suffocating aura as the blonde refused to leave the body and the others remained in a type of suspended disbelief at the night's passing. I had resheathed my swords after I cleaned the blood off the blades and I was leaning against a tree, my eyes following Daryl as he helped slam a pickaxe through the heads of the dead as Glenn and T-Dog took the bodies to go and burn, the smell of burning flesh filling the air. Rick had wandered off into the forest with a walkie-talkie in hand earlier on and I was debating on if I should just leave, knowing that I had my own people to try and find. Rick walked back over to where his wife, an older man with a bucket hat and a black haired male were sitting by a fire in front of me, him nodding to me as I nodded back.

"She still won't move?" Rick asked.

"She won't even talk to us." Rick's wife answered, fiddling with her hands. "She's been there all night. What do we do?"

"Can't just leave Amy like that." The black haired man said. "We need to deal with it, same as the others."

"I'll tell her how it is." Rick answered, nodding as he walked towards her.

"I wouldn't...she seems unstable." I muttered as I watched her draw her gun and hiss at Rick.

Holding his hands up, Rick slowly backed away as I shook my head, noticing the others had all stood up and they looked like they were ready to leap into action. Daryl wandered over and he stood next to me as I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets, slowly getting to my feet.

"While most of us are here, this is Pixie. She helped us out in Atlanta." Rick said, gesturing to me. "Pixie, this is Shane, Lori, Carol and Dale. The one who held me at gunpoint is Andrea."

At each person, he pointed towards them and I nodded my head, tightly smiling as I looked at him.

"Pixie? Is that your real name?" Shane asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I scoffed.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb." Daryl said, pointing to Amy.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked.

"I'm not a part of your group and I have no reason to say anything, but I'd say take the shot. From what I've seen since this started, revival time ranges to a scale you have no idea. I've seen people die and come back in seconds, hours or even days later." I said as Daryl nodded in agreement.

"Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." Daryl said, looking at Rick.

"No. For God's sakes, let her be." Lori sighed heavily, casting disgusted looks at Daryl and I.

Rick and Shane shared looks with each other before turning towards Daryl, who only scoffed and walked away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have given my opinion on the matter." I mumbled, looking at Rick.

"How long have you been on your own, sweetie?" Dale asked, looking at me.

"Since the beginning. Came here looking for my family after I left my grandfather's house in Tennessee after I put him down. I've seen a lot and met a lot of people, good and bad." I answered as I pushed off from the tree. "I held up my end Rick, I brought you guys back. Think I should head on out before I lose more light."

"Y'all left my brother for dead. You had this coming!" Daryl yelled as I casted a look at him.

"You saved my family last night, you have a place here with the group. It's better than going alone." Rick said as I tapped the toe of my boot against the dirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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