Robin V x reader

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Damian won't be coming in for a while. I just want to write you as a badbutt superhero for a bit.

Btw, Rose (the deathstroke looking girl up in the media) isn't in the Teen Titans at this time.


I was late for the meeting of the new team member. This was bad too, I was the 'appointed by the team' team leader, so this was going to make a super bad first impression on the kid. But what was I supposed to do? Not save a little boy from getting raped and killed? No way. This team member was going to have to wait. I swung down, raising my fists.

The man didn't notice me at first, but the boy did. He cried out for me. The man turned around, showing me his face clearly. Bad idea, he should have worn a mask. Just saying. Now I know who he is, and I'm gonna personally make sure he has at least a extra few years in prison.

He glared at me, and gripped the boy harder. The boy stopped crying, but his eyes were glistening with tears. Brave kid. I wonder how he managed to get taken by this man.

"Randall, release the boy, and no body will get hurt," I offered. I knew he wasn't going to take me up on the offer, but it was like a superhero code to give the bad guy at least one chance.

"No way, I need this boy!" He yelled and started to shake the boy a little. Disgust tore threw me. How could someone be so sick and gross?

"I won't warn you again," I tried once more, getting ready.

"Eff you!" He screamed, but not saying 'eff'. He tossed the boy to the side, and he hit the ground harshly. I stepped forward.

"That was your first mistake!" I was close enough to take a few steps and punch him. I noticed the gun in his pocket, and palmed under his nose, easily breaking it. He cried out for pain, but kept going.

Randall reached for his gun.

"And that is your second mistake!"

I didn't know if I wanted to use my Khopesh or Khanda sword to take him down. The Khopesh would definitely bring more pain to him... Khanda it is then! Superhero rule #031 'Do not bring unnecessary pain to your foe.'

By the time I unsheathed my Khanda sword (it's full name is Sikh Khanda actually) and brought it up, Randal had his gun up, and pointed toward my head. His hands were shaking.

His eyes drifted toward my sword and he smirked.

"I have the advantage here," he said confidently. I don't know where he got that idea, just because he has a gun doesn't mean anything. He shot, and forgot my only ability. The ability to absorb energy (and send it back out again if I'm feeling strong enough). I opened my palm, and the bullet dissolved into energy, and sank into my skin. A shiver ran throughout my body.

"Forgetting something?" I smirk.

His mouth opened into a perfect 'O'.

I raised my sword, and smirked.

--- after Randall's butt is kicked ---

After I brought the boy home and throughly scolded the mother for letting him walk home alone, I made my way to Titan Tower. I still hated how open it was, and was trying to move our 'base of operations', but everyone else thought it was fine, and that we were stronger then any villain. I even asked Batman for goodness sake, thinking he would agree with me.

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