Rorschach x reader

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The rain was soft at first, only softly bouncing on my skin. But the sky rattled and shook with the force of thunder, and my evening became a whole lot worse. The rain started pounding down on me, stinging the bare skin of my face.

I was at the bus stop, waiting for the 75th to come and pick me up. I had a date with my parents, and they expected me to be on time. But with the rain, there was no bus.

I was standing there, alone, in the pouring rain. My clothes were soaked, and I was sure I looked horrible. There was nothing to cover me, and soon I started to shiver. I was sure I was going to get a cold...

But, then something unexpected happened.

I felt the presence of someone next to me. They stood really close to me, I could feel the warmth radiating off of them. It was comforting, actually, it made me feel a little better knowing I wasn't alone in the rain.

But then I made the mistake of looking over.

Trench coat pulled up around his ears

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Trench coat pulled up around his ears. Hat snug on his head. And that mask. The mask that moved, like a living thing. I still get the shivers just thinking about it.

We didn't say anything for a while. I stared at him, and he looked down.

"Rorschach..." I said at last. He flinched, it was hardly noticeable. But I noticed. I was always able to notice with Rorschach.

He seemed to shrink more behind his coat, and I, at the time, thought it was adorable. But damn, it was awkward. Rorschach never really had a way with words.

"It's been a really long time," I said while still watching him.

"I'm not sure about you, but I'm happy. I got a new job, and I live in a nice apartment. I even met a nice guy at the coffee shop. I mean, I think he's gay, but he is still nice. Anyways, the point is, I'm happy now. No more late night sneak outs. No more worrying if you are gonna come home or not... I'm happy, Rorschach. And I'm not gonna let you mess it up for me."

That's when I swallowed my tongue before I could say anything more. I didn't want to hurt Rorschach. I still loved him.

Rorschach finally turned and looked at me. Suddenly I felt a pressure at my sides. Rorschach was holding me. His hands comfortably massaged my hips.

"I know. I understand. But I need you, more then ever."

His hands started to slide up my sides and I sighed at the nice feeling.

"I just want another chance."

His hands rested on my face, and he cupped my cheeks.

"Only if I can see your face."

His whole body seemed to stiffen.

"This is my face."

"Rorschach," I warned. He sighed before whispering fine.

He reached up but I stopped his hands, saying, "Let me."

I slid my hands down his throat, where the end of his mask laid. I slipped my fingers under, and touched the skin of his neck. He shivered and I smiled. I pulled his mask up to his nose, but then I stopped.

I was trying to savor the moment. Rorschach was usually never soft. But I always seemed to bring out a different side to him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just trying to remember every detail of your face."

I saw his lips twitch upward and I knew he wanted to smile.

Slowly, I leaned forward until I was basically breathing on him. He thought I was going to kiss him, but instead, I hugged him as hard as I could.

I heard the bus coming, and knew our time was short. I guess I was acting like it would be the last time I would every see him.

Slowly, I pulled the mask back down.

"I'm sorry about everything," I said pulling away.

The bus stopped in front of us, and that's when I noticed the rain had stopped. I was still drenched in rain, but at least it had stopped.

The doors opened and I stepped forward. I was about to walk on when Rorschach grabbed my hand. He slipped a piece of paper into my hand and then pulled away. I gave him another small smile before walking onto the bus.

As the bus pulled away, I looked out the window, expecting to see Rorschach. But he had disappeared.

I looked down at the paper and read what it said.

"Dans house. Tomorrow night. 7:00 Wear something comfy. Please come."

I stuffed it in my pocket and looked out the window. Maybe another time, Rorschach. I'm still healing from the scars you gave me.



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This chick is named Rio Jr. ^ named after the cat I wanted but couldn't get.  Yeah my friend got like a whole bunch of chicks and told me I could name one. They were so cute and fuzzy I really want one now. 😄


Checked and reviewed on 6/3/16

Oh yeah I'm going to Milwaukee today to see my step-cousins! It's gonna be a four day thing! My step-dad and I are bringing the camper up there and everything. I'm kinda nervous tho, I haven't seen them in years.. The last time I saw them I was like 8 or 9. I've changed a lot since then...  

Plus they are triplets and they all look the same so I'm going to have to remember who is who... Ugh.


(Wait I thought it was-)


|That's better.|

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