Drunk! Dick Grayson x reader

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"Will you marry me?"

Shocked, I pulled my hand away and gave him a mortified look.

"I don't even know you!" I yelled, blushing redder then a strawberry.

He got up to his feet and shrugged. He reached for my cheek but I ducked away.

"But its first at love sight!" He exclaimed, not at all discouraged by me moving away from him.

"Dude, I don't even know your name," I said.

His smile faded for a second but was back again just as quick.

"I'm Dick Grayson, beloved son of Bruce Wayne!" He said.

"Bruce Wayne, the billionaire?" I questioned unsure. He nodded excitedly.

"Right..." I turned around and started fast walking away. Obviously, this guy was high or drunk or something.

Suddenly someone jumped on my back, and I stumbled before gaining my balance.

"Baby, don't leave me!" He cried out. I smiled slightly.

A few people around us turned to watch, but I ignored to watch them.

"Ok, I won't go but only if you get your fat ass off of me!" I yelled. My feet were hurting already. He got off and when I turned around he was pouting. A good look for him.

"I'm not fat," he whined. He reached for his shirt and started to lift it up.

"Wait, you don't—"

My cheeks burned as my gaze landed on his taunt muscles. He was freaking ripped. He had a v line! Holy crap, that's like an 8-pack!

Forgive me father, for I have fucking sinned.

People stopped to look and oohed in appreciation at his muscles.

I stepped forward and tugged his shirt down, then I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the growing crowd. He followed me, being awfully quiet. I pulled him into one of those picture taking machines, and then sat down with a sigh. He stood over me, his head ducked so he didn't touch the ceiling.

"Sit down."

He sat down and instantly wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I stiffened, but relaxed as he smiled at me.

"So, what's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/n) (l/n), beloved daughter of (d/n) (d/l/n)."

"Oh, I think I know him."

I nudged his side, laughing.

"If you are really the son of Bruce Wayne, you definitely don't know my dad," I said chuckling.

It was quiet for a moment, with him just tracing over my features with his eyes. I tried to ignore him. I looked to the screen, and got an idea to stop him from making me blush any more. I brought out some money and slipped it into the machine. I clicked 20 pictures, then waited.

Dick continued to stare at me.

"Stop staring at me and pose for a picture!" I said, my voice rising a bit. He chuckled and brought me closer to him while pushing his cheek on mine. I smiled weakly as the camera flashed.

"Woo! That was fun!" He said, a grin gracing his hands on features.

"Let's do a funny one now!"

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