Please..... (Puck + Rachel + Sam)

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No one's POV:

"Rachel Barbra Berry....."
"Daddy don't...k--"
"Get out."
"Puck and Sam didn't do anything"
"You too"
"Please....." Rachel cried.
"Family is suppose to love each other no matter what...."
"Why would you raise me just so I can be kicked out when I grow up"
Rachel's 'Daddy' began to cry.
Rachel glared at her Dad.
" You knew!" Dad stuttered, "N-No I didn't...." "you were afraid of what he would do if he found out you knew." Dad shook his head, "I don't know what your talking about" Puck held Rachel's hand and so did Sam.
Rachel then heard the most hurtful words from her Daddy. "Which one of you idiots knocked up my daughter!?" They both looked guilty.
"Both" Rachel said softly. "So Rachel Barbra Berry was with two idiots who couldn't keep it in their pants..... Shame." Dad then said, "Rachel we will let you live here OK? But as long as we get to know these two gentlemen" dad smiled and Rachel hugged, and kissed him, Rachel went to her room and grabbed 100 dollars then went downstairs. She saw her dad's beating up Puck and Sam. Sam and Puck had bloody noses and black eyes. Rachel screamed and her dad's looked at Rachel with hurt. "Rachel the guys attacked us!" Said Daddy. I cried. "N-noah... " Noah looked at me "your 'Daddy' attacked us!" "Sam?" I looked at Sam. He passed out. "DADDY! YOU ALMOST KILLED SAM!"

Then Sam's phone rang.



Rachel picked up the phone. Puck took it and said, "hello Quinn" Puck sounded like Sam. "Evans would you like to see me tonight. At breadstixs 6:00." Puck knew what he had to say, "sure. Wear something with a lot of skin." He smirked. Rachel smiled. "Sure" she said then hung up. Puck called a random guy and said, "tonight at breadstixs there is a foxy lady with a dress that has a lot of skin. Act sexual to her so she can learn a lesson."

At school the next day.....
Quinn cried and cried. Finn walked to her, " hey Quinn are you OK?"
"No... I'm pregnant..."

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