pretending.... (finn + rachel + puck +sam )

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No one's pov:

Rachel walked into McKinley looking like a boss. Everyone cleared their way for her. Santana and Britney came to her side and walked with her. " So Rachel was last night fun?" Rachel kinda nodded "yeah Brit. "Santana eyed Rachel and Britney. Santana thought of an excuse " I have to um.... Go see my boyfriend Sam. See you later girls." Santana walked away the opposite of Sam and ran into the bathroom. Rachel stopped in front of Puck. " Hey Rach." "Hey Puck" Puck pulled her into a hug, "oh Rach me and Sam are seeing our baby at home later OK?" Rachel nodded with a few tears in her eyes. Finn came over to Rachel and put his hand over her shoulder. " Hey babe" he kissed her forehead. "Hey."
Puck looked jealous. "Well see you later.." Puck stormed away. Rachel smiled and whispered, "Puck is jealous."

Rachel walked into the auditorium with Finn and they sung "pretending"

Puck and Sam watched from a chair. Rachel and Finn knew they were there and they kissed. "Rachel. I love you" "I love you too Finn" Puck and Sam walked out clapping, " nice performance."
" Hey Rach.. me and Puck wanted to talk to you" rachel nodded and so did Finn. "Bye babe" said Rachel and walked with sam and Puck.

" Rach... We um.. wanted you to break up with Finn."

Rachel shook her head, "why?"

"Because we still want you. We just wanted to make you jealous. But you seem way into Finn now and we want you back."

Rachel nodded, "sure he still likes Quinn anyway."

5 hours later...

"Oh Rachel"

"Oh Sam!"

They both were making out. Puck walked in "ugh!" "Will you two ever stop making out!" Rachel got off of sam. She text glee club (gc)


Rachel: party at my house bring liquor!

Britney: isn't it alcohol awareness week?

Santana: yes. And I'm aware of how much liquor I'm drinking.

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