R.I.P Beyonce😭

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Jay's POV
All of a sudden, Bey's eyes closed and was unresponsive. We looked on the screen and the line was flat. I fell to the ground, I wanted to die. Wait, I gotta go get the nurse! I passed the doctor in the hallway and told him. We went to the room and all of a sudden, over 10 nurses were in there. The whole family was outside the door crying painfully. We all cried on the floor for and hour and half until the doctor out his hand in my shoulder. I stood up and he even had alittle bit of tears in his eyes....
Doc: Mr. Carter, I'm very sorry for your loss.

12 hours later...
I had no more tears left and my heart has dropped to my stomach. I wanna die, but Bey told me to look after Blue. She's now the only love I have left. We are now leaving the hospital. I told the family that me and Blue needed space to think for a minute. We got home and Blue had known about Bey and cried herself to sleep. I got into the door and carried her in my arms and put her in bed. It's now 12:15 p.m. . I took a long good look at BlueIvy's face. She looks just like her mother. Even acts like her too. God why did Beyonce have to die. I started breaking down kneeling next to Blue's bed. I got up and walked to me and Bey's bedroom. I looked at her closet and just had memories of the funny and good times we had with eachother. I sat down on the couch thinking that it'll be a distraction. Of course when I turn the tv on, channel7 news said...
Tv: Breaking news now about a living legend, Beyonce Giselle knowles Carter has died in a tragic car accident. We learned that a man named Matt and his 6 brothers have been caught...
I threw the remote at the tv. I started breaking everything and kept screaming. I was so mad and upset.
Jay: I should've died instead of Beyonce!! How could I be so stupid!!! Ughhhhh!!! *smashed the glass window*
Blue: Daddy?
I guess I woke Blue Ivy up cause I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She looked at me yawning and rubbing her eyes. When she cleared her eyes she had a frightened look on her face. I had a bat in my hand and I looked at myself through a shattered mirror and I looked like a murderer. My eyes were red and I had a scary face on. I looked back at Blue who was slowly backing away from me scared.
Jay: Blue it's ok*drops bat* I'm not gonna hurt you.
Blue: Daddy you why you wanna hurt me?😭(Blue is only 4)
Jay: Daddy's just upset that mommy isn't here that's all. Blueberry I would never hurt you ever! I love you! Come gimme hug.
Blue gave me a huge bear hug.
Blue:I love you too daddy.

Years and years later...
I never married or had a girlfriend since Bey has died. I have cried myself sleep every night. Blue is now grown up so much and has been married for years and years and has a child named Destiny. I have now died from heart attack and am with Bey. We look down
our daughter and we're so proud of her.

The End.
Authors note- y'all are probably thinking "Why the freak would you have Bey and Jay die. I'm just basing this off of a story I read that is somewhat similar to this. I thought this was really romantic though.

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