Aqua Jackson daughter of Poseidon

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Authors Note: Welcome back to the Aqua Jackson Series. Please check out my newest original book, "Shadow". Thank you and Enjoy!


Aqua's POV

It has been over a year since I had betrayed my father and all of the other gods, It is almost time for the winter solstice, and I still miss Luke, but he hasn't even sent me a message, been in my dreams, or even tried to contact me, until...

'Aqua, can you hear me?' I hear a familiar voice say, but I wasn't sure who it was

I knew where I was, I was on the Princess Andromeda, Luke's ship!

'Luke?' I asked

'Yep, Can I have a hug?'

He ran for me, but I pushed him back 'Luke, no.'

'Aqua, listen, I'm sorry, but we have a new plan.'

'What do you mean? How did I get here?'

'This is your dream, but it is a real dream, everything that is happening is true, except you aren't really here.'

'Aqua...' Kronos's piercing voice yelped in my ear

'Yes, my lord.' I said, looking for the golden coffin

'You haven't changed a bit.'

'Actually, I think she got taller.' Luke noted


'Sorry, my lord.'

'I need you to do something for me, Aqua.'

'Anything.' I said

'Find out all of the gods weaknesses and take them out one by one, even Hades.'

'What do I get in return?'

'You will get to be with Luke, and your father will hold the weight of the sky.'

'Really?' I said with joy

'Of course, sweetheart.'

'Thank you my lord.'

'Now, you may kiss Luke, and wake up.'

'Yes my lord.'

'Do NOT fail me, Aqua.'

'You can trust me.'

'I hope that you speak the truth.'

With that, Luke kissed me and I woke up to Hermes, stroking my hair, he had become fond of me, ever since I had told him that I was in love with his son, when I wasn't talking to anyone, I talked to him, I told Hermes what he wanted to know, ever since, he has had a soft spot for me, and Zeus has hated my guts.

"Are you alright?" Hermes asked

"Yes, just a bad dream." I told Hermes, I usually tell him what is going on, he understands a lot more than my father, but I couldn't tell him that I had gotten a mission from Kronos, I had to earn their trust, if I did that, I would be able to find out all of their weaknesses, without the book that has all of their weaknesses in it, because it was somewhere in my stuff that Athena had kept from me.

"Sweetheart, you looked like you were going to have a stroke!" Hermes worried

"Don't worry, I'm alright." I reassured him

"Well, that is good, are you up for breakfast?"

"Sure." I didn't know if I could eat anything after a dream like that

We walked over to the dining room, where everyone was waiting for Hermes and me to arrive.

"Aqua, are you alright, you look terrible!" Ares noted

"I'm fine." I said

"You think this is bad, you should have seen her when she was sleeping, she looked like she was having a stroke!" Hermes said

"What did you dream about sweetheart?" Athena asked

"Oh, nothing." I said as I sat down, picked up an apple and took a bite out of it

"Please, Aqua, tell us." Poseidon begged

"It was about Kronos." I noted

"What happened." Everyone asked

I had learned, last year that Demi-God dreams were either real or they always ment something, so I didn't tell them everything, in fact, I changed my whole dream.

"Well, Kronos asked me if I was still on his side and I said that I wasn't sure, then Luke showed up and tried to talk me into making up my mind, right there, so he kissed me, and I told him that he can't make up my mind by kissing me, so Luke got mad at me and started cursing in Ancient Greek, and that's when I woke up."

"Oh, that kind of makes since, Kronos would defiantly want Aqua back, after all, she is the daughter of Poseidon." Athena said

"Nice to have you back on our side, Aqua." Aphrodite said

"I never said I was on your side, but I'm not on Krono's side either." I said

"So you're not on either side?" Hermes asked


"Well, it's better than nothing." Hermes told the other gods

"Hermes is right, if Aqua was still on Kronos's side, then we would be in trouble." Aphrodite said

"It is not wise to think like that, Aphrodite." Athena said

Everyone just looked at Athena.

"Aqua." Zeus said

"Yes, Uncle Zeus." Today, I just started calling every one of the gods my family, so they were all shocked

"Um..." Zeus paused, I think he was wondering why I had started calling him uncle "Would you like to come to this meeting with us, if you don't, one of the gods will stay here to keep you company."

"I wouldn't like to intrude."

"You wouldn't be intruding." Hermes noted

"No, I'll stay here, thank you for the offer." I said, this was my chance to take down the gods one by one, because if I take out one god, the gods will be worried whenever they go somewhere, so one of the gods will stay, each time, it was the perfect plan

"That's alright, I so pose." Zeus said

"Aqua, would you like to pick who stays?" My father asked

"No, you can choose." I said, but I did want to choose to prove that I can come back to Kronos and Luke after a long time

"Alright, Hm..." Zeus paused "Ares will stay."

"I'm fine with staying with the little punk, but I cannot miss a meeting." Ares said

"Ares, it would be wise for you to stay." Athena said

"Why?" Ares asked

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling."

"Let's worry about your bad feeling later, Athena, now we need to go to the meeting, come on, Aqua, I will take you to your room." Zeus said as he walked me to my empty room, he locked the door, but not for long...

Aqua Jackson, Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now