Chapter 4: Atlas has his own plan

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Chapter 4: Atlas has his own plan

Two weeks after Hermes and Hephaestus had disappeared and a long time after we (Kronos‘s follower‘s) had caught Artemis, Aphrodite, Hera, Dionysus, Apollo, and Athena had disappeared, and well they had been taken prisoner by Kronos.

A week after that, Zeus and Poseidon had invited Hades, Persephone, and Demeter over to make sure that Olympus was protected, so I called up Luke and told him that I needed back up, just in case.

“Hi, dad.” I said, walking into the throne room

“Hello, my darling daughter.” Poseidon said


“Yes, Aqua.”

“Can I sit on your throne?”

“Hm…” My dad thought about it for a minute “I don’t see why not.” My dad stood up and lifted me up onto his throne, as I looked how high off the ground I was

“Thanks dad.”

“No problem sweetheart.”

I saw Luke hiding from the gods, the way my room was, and I said “Can I hold your trident.”

“Sweetheart, I…”

I interrupted him “Please daddy.”

“Oh, Alright.”

“Yay.” I took the trident and spun it around, as Luke gave me a look like ‘Come on, we need to make this quick.’

I didn’t reply to Luke’s look, but I looked at Zeus and Hades “Alright.” Both Zeus and Hades said, giving me their most powerful weapons

I smiled, grabbed onto the trident as tight as I could, and I slid down the trident…

“I never thought of doing that.” Poseidon said

I looked straight at Luke now, and his expression was ‘Take their weapons, NOW!’

I listened to Luke and I shrunk my family’s weapons, “Aqua, can I have my trident back now?” My father asked

I looked at Luke, he shook his head ‘No.’ and he tossed me the box that had every gods weapon but Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus’s in it, but now it had every gods weapon!

“Aqua?” Zeus asked, as I turned with an evil smile on my face

“What are you doing with our weapons?” Poseidon asked

“We are taking your weapons.” Luke said, walking forward

“Luke!” I screamed as I ran into his arms

“Aqua, darling, I love you.”

“Love you too!”

“What is going on?” Hades asked

Luke’s army came forward, “Sir, just tell us when.” The guy in the front said

“No.” Luke said, pulling out backbiter “You can take Persephone and Demeter, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon are Aqua’s and mine to take out!”

“Yes sir.”

“Aqua, are you ready?”

“Of course, Luke, they have no weapons, they will be easy to capture.” I said

Luke smiled his evil smile, which I love.

It didn’t take long to get the big three on the ground, even when it was two against three.

After, we got the big three on the ground, we took all five of them back to where Luke was, now, some place in San Fran Sischo.

All the gods were angry with us, “Let us go!” Artemis demanded

I got up in her face and said, “I don’t think so.”

A week later, it was a week until the winter solstice, so Luke, Atlas, and I had to trick Artemis into taking the sky from someone, so we had a plan, the plan was…

First, we need Poseidon under the sky, which he had been under the sky for a week now, next, well you will see…

Luke had left in the Princess Andromeda, he left me alone with the gods and Atlas…

“Aqua, would you like to see your father suffer?” Atlas asked

“Sure, why not.” I said

I walk into the room with the sky, my father in the middle of the room, holding up the weight of the sky.

Atlas whisper something into Poseidon’s ear, it probably wasn’t important, so I didn’t care, Atlas got behind me, and all of the sudden, he pushed me into my father, and Poseidon let go, so I was stuck under the sky, at least until Luke came back, which would be hours from now…

“Why would you do that?” I screamed, as the weight of the sky pushed me down

“I’m sick of you and Luke getting all of the credit, oh and don’t worry, when Luke gets back, he will be next.” Atlas said as he left and closed the door behind himself

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