Chapter 2: What happened to Hermes and Hephaestus

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Chapter 2: What happened to Hermes and Hephaestus

Aqua’s POV

It has been a week since we captured Ares, everyone is worried that someone is going to take out the gods, and Athena has been watching me closely.

We are in the dining room right now and all of the gods are debating on whether to go to their meeting or not.

“Aqua.” Athena said

“Yes, Athena.” I said

“What do you think we should do?”

“Whatever you want to do, but if I were you and I left to go to a meeting, I would take everyone with you.”


“No, Athena, if we go, someone has to stay, Hephaestus, since you are good with automatons, I want you to have some ready, since we know who are threat is.” Zeus said

“Right, so you want me to stay?”


“I don’t think this is wise.” Athena noted

“It is worth a try.” I said

Athena looked at me, then walked over to where I was and dragged me to the throne room…

“If you know anything about this, you better tell me, now!” Athena said

“What if I don’t know anything, about this?” I asked

“Well, you better hope you don’t.”

“Athena, I have a message for you, from Zeus.” Hermes said

“What is it?” Athena asked

“Zeus says to leave Aqua alone, she did not take off with Ares.”

“What if she did?”

“Just leave it alone.”

“Well, her sword is missing.”

“What makes you think that she took it?”


“Athena, unless you have proof… Do you have proof?”

“Well, no, but.”

“Leave it alone, Athena, Hephaestus will make sure that we get Ares back.”

“Fine, but maybe two gods should stay.”

“You take that up with Zeus, I’m not getting hit with a lightning bolt!” Hermes left, back to the dining room

Athena dragged me behind her, the same with Hermes.

“Zeus!” Athena screamed

“Yes, Athena.” Zeus said

“Maybe two gods should stay.”

“But, we could lose them both.”

“I think it will be wise for two gods to stay.”

“Fine, but you will be the second god to stay.”

“No, I will!” Hermes yelled

“Hermes, you will volunteer to stay?” Zeus asked


“Then, my mind is made up, Hephaestus and Hermes will be the two gods that stay.”

Everyone nodded, and nine of the gods were on their way to their meeting.

“I’m going to my room.”

“Would you like me to join you?” Hephaestus asked

“Sure.” I said, thinking it would be a great idea to have Hephaestus come with me, that way, I could take both Hephaestus and Hermes out, without one of them telling on me.

“Hephaestus, will you make a pool in my room.” I said when we walked into my room

“Of course, Aqua.” He made an area for a pool, he had the water in the pool in no time.

“Thank you.”

“No problem.”

“Could you check how hot the water is?” I said as Hephaestus turned around and started to check the warmth of the water, I opened the secret passage in my room, took Ares’s sword out of the space, and closed the passage without making a noise.

I has Ares’s sword in my hand and I was right behind Hephaestus, when he was just about to turn around he said “The water is warm for a child of Poseidon.”

He turned and saw the sword, “Why… Why do you have Ares’s sword?” He said as he started to back up

“Did you really think that Luke would lock me up, and say that we weren’t friends, family, or boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Well, um…” Hephaestus froze “HERMES!!!”

Hermes ran in the room and all I could think was ‘Shot!’

“Um… Is that… Ares’s sword?” Hermes asked

“What do you think?” I said sarcastically

“I’ll be back in a second.” I said as I ran out of the room, grabbed my syth charmed bracelet, and ran back in the room, to find Hephaestus and Hermes right where they were when I left the room.

I twisted the syth charm and Luke showed up…

“Aqua, how’s it going?” Luke asked

“We have an issue…” I said

“What kind of issue?”

“There are two gods here, what do you want me to do?”

“Just do what you did with Ares and we will come to get them.”

“You sure.”


“Alright, see you soon.”

“Bye, babe.”

I twisted the syth charm and the image faded.

I looked at the two gods “Say goodbye to Olympus.”

“What, why?” Hermes asked

I grabbed Artemis’s bow and her knock out arrows (They make people go to sleep for half an hour.)

“Where did you get Artemis’s weapon?” Hermes asked

“Oh, well, Luke gave it to me.”

“You have Artemis too!”


“I’m calling Zeus.”

Hermes grabbed his phone, dialed a number, and Zeus answered…

“What is it Hermes?” Zeus said

“It’s…” I stopped Hermes from saying anymore, by smashing a glass vase on his head, but I am shorter than Hermes so Zeus didn’t see who smashed glass onto Hermes’s head…

“Hermes! Hephaestus!”

“HELP!!!” Hephaestus yelled

Then I grabbed another glass vase, and smashed it onto Hephaestus’s head, and Zeus screamed “WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO OLYMPUS, NOW!!!”

By the time all of the other gods got back, Luke and his followers had taken Hermes and Hephaestus back to San Fran Sischo, where they would be put under the weight of the sky, very soon.


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