Chapter 1

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You've ever felt like you don't belong like the world is out to get you? I've felt like that everyday and used to let it get to me and almost let it lead me down a very dangerous road no one wants to go down or even talk about until i met Mark. it was a normal day at school and i was getting my books out of my locker when i felt someone staring at me i choose to ignore it and continue to get my books out of my locker when someone slammed their hand on the locker next to me. i looked at the hand to try and figure out who was invading my personal space but a voice pulled me out of my trance just hearing the voice put shivers in my spine. the voice was familiar but at the same time unknown i turned around to be met with beautiful brown eyes staring at me. then he spoke again "hey" he said " hey " i said back wondering why he would want to talk to me after all i am the most ignored girl in the whole school.ever since i was little i was never popular ive always just been the one girl in the back of the room keeping to myself wondering why i dont look like the other girls why im not popular why i cant seem to make friends. " you like what you see " he said i didnt even relize i was staring he just stated to laugh at to wich i started to blush " sorry i seem to have gotten distracted anyway what do you need" " i just wanted to talk to the prettiest girl in the school " " oh well Samantha is over there but let me warn you she has a boyfriend" " thats not who im talking about" " well then you must be new to the school" " i am new but i do know that you are the prettiest girl in the school" "thanks whats your name" " im Mark whats your name" " im Bug " " thats a unusual name but i like hey you think you could show me to my classes heres my schedule " " you got lucky because me and you have the exact same schedule and it looks like 5th period is about to start so let me finish getting my books and we will head on over to math together deal?" he nodded his head yes and was standing next to me while i get my books i glace over to see him staring courisly down the hall me being my curios self turn to see what he is starting at wich i find out is the devil in human form Katrina Geroge whom is staring at Mark then glances at me as soon as she sees me she starts to head over me being my self quickly gets my books and puts them in my backpack little did i know what was about to happen was going to change my life forever.

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