chapter 4

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" Bug whats wroung" i didnt even relize i was zoned out again why do i keep doing that " nothing its nothing" i say with a small smile as i turn to look at him " i can tell when your lying just tell me whats wroung" i look at him with a look of determination " well obviously you cant becuase im not lying" i try to change the subject " everytime you lie you always fiddle with your hands and dont look at me when you answer but you also try to argue with me in a despreate atempt to change the subject" i look at with with a shocked face no ones ever been able to read me that well maybe he is the one. " soooo are you going to tell me or not" i cant belive i zoned out again. i tell him the story and i think i see sadness and pity in his eyes but also anger why would he be angry it happened a year ago im fine now. " what was his name" he asks and i can tell hes preatty mad " who" i ask curious as to why he wants to know " donat act dumb you know who" he says and i decide to tell him before he gets angry " his name was Luke but why do you need to know his name" i ask very curious.

i know  its short im sorry ive just had a lot to do and i was writing this while i was suposed to be doing my history review thats due tommorrow 

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