chapter 3

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As the next few days me and mark got closer and i learned alot about him but the only question in my mind was do i like him. ive always been scared to have these feelings because the last time i trusted them the outcome was not preatty.


"WHY ARE YOU HOME LATE" my drunk boyfriend yells in my face " im soory i got held up in traffic on the way home from school " fear evident in my voice next thing i know i fall to the floor with a familiar burning sensation in my check i dont dare to even try to get up because i know if i try it will just make matters worse. " I TOLD YOU TO BE HOME AND HAVE DINNER MADE BEFORE I GOT HOME YET IM SITTING HERE WAITING FOR YOU FOR AN HOUR AND HAVE NO FOOD TO EAT" " please just go sit on the couch your  drunk and need to relax while i make dinner" i say slowly getting up hoping he wont put me back on the floor again. " I CANT SIT WHEN YOU NEED TO BE TAUGHT HOW TO BE A GIRLFRIEND AND ALWASY LISTEN AND NOT TALK BACK"  as soon as he was done i was back on the floor being kicked in my stomach multiple times once he was done kicking me he had an eveil grin on his face a grin hes hade multiple times hwne he has tried to kill me. he pulls me up by my hair and throws me out the door closes it then locks it. i had to think fast if i wanted to actually be happy so i start to call my mom when i remeber she passed away last month. i start to cry but soon relize crying isnt going to help me so i just walk down the street that is when i run into something and i fall down on the floor blocking my face as a reaction. " you ok im so sorry i guess im just a litly tipsy " "yah im fine " " what happened to your face you have a giant bruise on your cheek" thats when i lost it i know i shouldnt just trust a random stranger off the street but she just felt diffrent so i told her everything that happend tonight and previous nights. "do you have anywhere to go?" i shake my head sadly as i start to panick because he said if i ever told anyone he would actually kill me and make it look like and accident. " well you can stay at my house and we will make sure he wont bother you again or anyone else in that matter" "wait are you going to kill him?!?!" " no are you crazy we are going to the police anyway my names Amanda whats yours?" "Kyrsten but id rather be called bug but i cant stay with you i dont want to impose i will just go find a park bench like i alwasy do then go back and aplogize and keep living my life" " you are not going to find a park bench or go back to him you are now offically stuck with me" and for the firat time in awahile i actully smile and not a fake smile a actuall smile i think i just found my best friend.

--------------------------------FLASHBACK OVER--------------------- 

" Mrs.Washburn this is the last time im asking you what is the answer to the proublem on the board" " im sorry mam i wasnt lisenting" " go to nthe principals office this is the third time this week youve done this " i get up and exit the classroom when i bump into mark " hey where are you going" he ask me " ummm i kinda zoned out in math and so she sent me to the office but she should know i dot go to the office i just leave scholl but anyway where are you heading" i ask him " actually i zoned out in history and got sent to the principals office to but i was actually goignt o go but do you mind if i join you i dont want to be in this hell hole anymore" just hearing him talk about wanting to be with me made me all gigley inside " of course where do you want to go" i ask him as we head out to my car. " well where do you usaully go" i usally go to the library to study but dont want to sound lame so instead i tell him the mall. he agrees to going to the mall so we just hung out for the rest of the day. all i could think about was if he actually enjoyed being my friend or if it was just a pity friendship. 

-------------- i need a cowriter if intrested please come and talk to me thx--------------------

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