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I am brought out of my reverie by angels singing, Hahahaha got you there didn't I, just kidding ,the sound of an very, very impatient PJ creating havoc on the other side of my door startles me out of my reverie, defeated I yell , I'm up, I'm up goodness woman don't get your knickers in a knot, I know for a fact that I'll cop it from her later for my remark but dear goodness she tests my patience . I do a mad dash around my broom closet that I'm ment to call a room and grab all my essentials, my black ripped skinny jeans, my favourite white tank top with my black leather jacket, red converse, red bag and grey beanie, then I used my magical flying carpet and commanded it to take me to the bathroom, Atlas I do not have a magical flying carpet, so sadly I had to walk to the bathroom like a normal person, which is all the way down the hall *sign* when I finally reached the bathroom, I heat the shower and take a long, luxurious, soothing ,warm shower , no of course not I was stuck with freezing cold water because everyone used up all the hot water, joy to the world, Not. Once I got out of the shower I dryed and brushed my hair, dress my S-E-L-f, add sum red lipstick and walk to the other side of the house,to PJ room , we leave the hell hole were ment to call a home just to go to a different form of torture which is known as school.

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