August 4, 2014 - from Bucky

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     I know I shouldn't've asked why you're still fighting fights, because that's who you are, and I know that's never gonna change. Maybe it should though? 

     I remember during the war you would draw? Do you still sketch in a crappy little book like you used to? If you weren't Captain America, The Star-Spangled Man, I'd tell you open a gallery. Actually, on second thought, I've never really seen your art, so you could be drawing 'fair dames' or whatever. I kid - but for real though, what do you draw?

  I'm not entirely sure what to write to you. I've been super confused/lost about everything every time I wake up. Sometimes I even feel like I've misplaced my own arm! (I'm sorry, I know how you're boring and you hate jokes.)   

(P.S.) You and I both know that you don't need more than a single friend (or a few) and a good heart to get through the rest of your days. 


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