He's so sweet😍

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Klay has stuck to his promise and has been a lot more helpful with the wedding and the twins. We decided to having the wedding on Klay's birthday because he asked me out on mine and I wanted to return the favor by getting married on his. With that being said we had a lot of planning to do to prepare for the wedding next year and we kind of had to wait until they released the schedule to make sure that day was cleared. We were lucky enough that they don't have a game that day but they have a game the next day against the Rockets.

Stacy, Ayesha, and I are currently at the dress shop looking for my wedding dress, bridesmaids, maid of honor dress, and my flower girl dress.  Ayesha is my maid of honor and my bridesmaids are some of my cousins, Stacy, Sydel, and some of my friends. Of course princess Riley is my flower girl. My mom couldn't make it to the appointment because Marcus had some big game coming up and I told her she needed to be there to support him.

"Malika take that ugly a** dress off before I punch you." Stacy says while laughing at me.

"This process is hard as fück. Ayesha how did you pick a dress? I'm about to go in some jeans."

"No the hell you aren't."Stacy says rolling her eyes.

"Yeah Stacy's right. No friend of mine is going to be seen in a ugly dress on her wedding day. Picking a dress was one of the hardest things but I kept picking dresses until I found the right one."

We keep looking until I find one that I am in love with.

"What do you guys think?" I say stepping out of the dressing room.

They are silent.

"Oh no you guys hate it-"

"NO!" They exclaim.

"That dress is absolutely stunning." Stacy says.

"That's the dress for you." Ayesha says running over to me to pull me into a hug.

"Thank God you guys love it because I am in love with this dress." I say doing a little twirl.

I wrap up looking for my dress and start to look for everyone else's dress. After finding dresses I was going to meet Klay for cake tasting.

We go to a couple bakeries and they weren't all that special. I feel like some of the recipes and designs were so bland and boring.

We were in the car coming from the third bakery.

"Ughhh. Why can't anyone make good cake nowadays? Why are the designs they come up with so boring?" I complain to Klay.

"I know babe it kind of sucks. You know what I was thinking?"

I turn to him. "What?"

"Why don't you have your bakery make the cake? You have some amazing recipes and some of the people on your staff are insanely talented."

I thought about it for a second and realized it was a good idea. Why didn't think of going to my own bakery before?

"Babe that's a great idea! Let's go!"

 We pull up to my bakery and it's kind of busy.

"Hey Malika!" One of my managers Gavin says.

"Hey Gavin! When you aren't busy can you meet me in my office?"

"Okay sure no problem!"

Klay and I go back to my office. Klay starts playing with my rolly chair.

"You're such a child." I say laughing at him.

"Whatever! Don't hate because I'm having fun."

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