Last of The Time Lords

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The doctor just glared at the man that was encouraging the auction. Martha went from glancing at the doctor, to the man, to the doctor, to the man, then to the doctor again. Before the doctor knew it, the Gallifreyan girl was going to be sold. The doctor stood up instantly and shouted,

"100,000 kilobes!"

A burst of whisper spread across the room. The man looked amazed and stared at the doctor.

"A-alright we have 100,000 kilobes, anyone else?" The man proposed.

There was silence.

"Going once..going twice" the man began.

Another man stood up, he was in a suit and handsome looking.

"500,000 kilobes" the handsome man said straightening his tie.

The doctor turned and glared at the man. The man only grinned at him back. Another wave of whispers formed in the room.

"Oh my, now 500,000 kilobes anyone else? Anyone? Going once, going twice" the man at the podium began.

"Doctor!" Martha said, giving doctor a look.

The doctor looked at Martha then at the man at the podium.

"Sold! To the gentleman in the suit" the man said and the girl turned to the left and walked down the stairs like a zombie. Slow and no emotion.

The man smiled and slid past his isle of alien folk and went over to claim his prize. The doctor glared at the man as he touched a fellow Gallifreyan.

"Doctor..Gallifrey..isn't that your home planet?" Martha asked, looking up at the doctor.

The doctor just stared at the man and the girl.

"What is that collar doing to her" the doctor spoke out loud, observing.

"I-I don't know" Martha said, watching the two also.

"Some sort of mind control..hmm.." The doctor said then jumped up, shoving his hands in his pants pockets and wandered over there.

The man at the podium began another bidding. Martha followed right behind the doctor. The doctor finally came up to the girl and her new buyer.

"You had a nice competition" the doctor said shaking the mans hand.

"Why thank you" he said happily, shaking it back.

They both let of each other's hands and the doctor looked at the girl. Gazing upon her beauty up close. The doctor slightly smiled then looked at the man.

"What do you want her for?" The doctor asked curiously.

"Oh her?" The man said, looking at the girl who is just staring forward with no emotion. "I'm gonna sell her off to. Do you know how much people would pay for some one from Gallifrey?? Especially female??" The man explained with an excited chuckle.

"So let me get this straight, you bought her, only to sell her" the doctor said with a irritated tone.

"Indeed" the man said proudly.

"...ok out of my way handsome" the doctor said irritably and pushed him out of the way.

The doctor stood in front of the girl and flashed his sonic screwdriver at her collar. It flashed from a red light to green and they heard a snap. The girl blinked and gasped for air. She panted and looked up at the doctor.

"Who are you?" she asked. Her voice sweet and smooth.

The doctor felt himself just staring at her with nothing to say.

Last Of The Time LordsWhere stories live. Discover now