Chapter 4

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I stare at my phone since 15minutes ago and Hakyeon is getting bored looking at me doubting whether should I give him a call and curse or not. He grab my phone from me and quickly type a message to Minseok. My eyes gine wide after he finally push the send button and wiggles the phone right in front of my eyes. Hakyeons gives me back my phone and ruffles my hair.

To Minpoop: Meet me at cafe behind the school tonight at 8pm. We need to talk. Bye.


"Oh you're welcome," he makes ^^ face and run inside his room. I bang his room for countless times and screams something about he will die right by my hand if he doesn't go with me meeting that loser boy. Of course Hakyeon being a good bestfriend he is, being dragged by me along to the cafe.


"Who is this?" Minseok points at Hakyeon who's having his banana milkshake. I grab Hakyeon's right hand and show off our identical bracelet.

"My boyfriend. Got a problem? So now I need you to delete that picture in your Instagram. Or I will report you saying that you have invades my privacy," I swear that I can see his eyes widened when I said that Hakyeon is my boyfriend. So does Hakyeon. He even chokes his drink while looking at me. Jeez this guy can't even control himself. Well, I step on his feet since I need him to back me up.

Minseok chuckles and lean back on his seat and take out his phone. "If I delete your photo, will you break up with him and come to me?"

"Nope. Why should I leave this wonderful man for a loser like you," holysh-- I seriously want to vomit after praising my bestfriend like this. Bless me Hakyeon should take me out for shopping since I praise him.

"Hmm so nope," Minseok smiles annoyingly while showing off the picture on his hand. Hakyeon quickly grabs his phone and scrolling my photos in his phone. Thanks to his tall figure, Minseok is not even a rival to him. Hakyeon manages to delete all my photos in the SNS but then he fall then since Minseok kick him of his precious spot. I face palm in the cafe as the commotion and the guys are starting to let out their punches. As Hakyeon fall down on the floor Minseok sits on him and wanting to punch his face.

Oh, damn I need to treat Hakyeon for this. Hakyeon throws his legs and kick Minseok so that he is the one giving out punches. The other customers are looking and I quickly drag Hakyeon from Minseok. "Hakyeon-ah people are looking stop it!" I hug his waist and pull him out from the cafe.

Along the way back home, Hakyeon is not speaking at all. His eyes are deeply stares on the road not even give a glance at me. Its rare to see a mad Hakyeon since this bestfriend of mine is a very bubbly person. I look up to him and seeing his red face scares the hell of me. "Hakyeon-ah.... are you okay?"

"Don't talk to me right now. I'm mad," well what should I say now. Just waiting for us to get home and treat his wound. But then once we arrived, Hakyeon marches to his room with saying anything. Sigh. Guess I should wait for him to relax tomorrow.

The next morning, I dont have any shoot today but Hakyeon does. But it has been 8:30 am and Hakyeon should be at the set on 9:00 am. He never be this late and always punctual. I place the last piece of pancake for the breakfast and goes to his room. Thinking about last night incident makes me more careful to barge into his room without any warn. I knock several times but no answer.

"Hakyeon-ah, I'm going in," I twist the door knob and sees him still in his blanket shivering. I walk to him slowly and push body but he's not moving. I slap him slowly on his cheek but then I move my hands right away. He's burning and the blood stains still got on his cheeks meaning that he went to bed right after we arrived home. Again I push him off a little and finally he's moving and hardly to open his eyes.

"Yeon-ah, you're burning. Get up I will bring you to the hospital," he slowly nods and I help him to the bathroom slowly. He winces over my touch maybe I hold him hard at the bruise he got last night. Hakyeon's face is very pale right now and I feel very guilty for bringing him along. If only I know I will drag him along and seeing my bestfriend  like this, I would rather go along. He sees my gloomy face and stop brushing his teeth.

"Yah I'm okay. Dont make that face,"

"I'm sorry. You take the hit for me," Hakyeon rinses his mouth and look at me.

"That's what friends for right? Besides I already promised your parents to take care of you. Dont worry about me. Just give me Jimin's number and you're forgiven," he smiles sheepishly. Oh dear even he's sick still he want to pull a joke. I pinch his waist slowly but he's exaggerating as if I punch him like how Minseok did. Speaking of the devil (he really is because he hit my friend), I wonder though how was he. We got into the car and I drove Hakyeon to the hospital.

"Hey, how did you hit Minpoop last night? I swear he was struggling so much," Hakyeon proudly pat his shoulder and acting as if he is manly enough totally forget that he even now had a fever because of last night.


Its Hakyeon's turn and I help him to stand up because he is too week to even stand. He rise his head that rested on my shoulder weakly and walk towards the doctor's room. But suddenly my phone ringing and I'm going to ignore it. Hakyeon looks at me and give a soft smile to assure that he's okay and can walk by himself. The nurse is waiting for us and call Hakyeon's name for the second time.

"Its okay I can walk. You can answer the call," I nod but still I'm worried over him so I call the nurse to help him walk. After making sure Hakyeon is safe with the nurse then I go somewhere that is quite for me to receive the call.

Oh its Jimin.

I smirk when something crosses my mind. Lol Hakyeon got a crush on her, right? Well, he even took the hit for me. It must very very nice of a friend if I return the favor of him to get her number. From the first time we have a shoot with Jimin two months ago, for someone who knew Hakyeon for years, I know he have something foreign inside him. The way he stares at her eyes, and he instructs her to pose the way he likes when the main director wasn't there, he has passion to do it. Well, Jimin is someone that fits Hakyeon's personality though. Long haired, medium fair skin, round eyes and a face that is so perfect even without makeup. Jeez my bestfriend sure got a very nice taste.

Jimin asked me to do her photoshoot for the day after tomorrow and wants Hakyeon to be there as the assistant director. But then seeing Hakyeon's condition, I need to talk to him first and Jimin quickly agreed. And I'm pretty sure no matter how bad Hakyeon's condition is, for Jimin he will eventually come. We ended the call since she have a shoot so I return back to the doctor's room to know about Hakyeon.

I slowly knock and open the door. I peek inside and see a blondie with a rectangle glasses and white coat treating Hakyeon's wound from last night. Well, I step inside to have a better look since he looks so familiar.

"Oh, Mya-ah! Who's calling?" Hakyeon notices my present and immediately questioned but then I point my index finger on my lips to ask him be quiet and talk about the business at home. But before that of course I smirk at him and he got that message.

"Umm, how's Hakyeon?" Asked me to break out the silence. The doctor looks up from Hakyeon's bruises arms and both of us speaks at the same time.

"Oh, you??" We both said. Hakyeon at the middle puzzles since he knows that I hardly knows other guys than him. And Hongbin since I called him oppa that day. What the heck so he is a doctor?!! That cute and young face is a doctor!! I fangirl over the doctor mentally screamed so I can get his number by now. I don't care and I'm going to have it even Hakyeon scolds me.

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