Chapter 7

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Hakyeon drives awkwardly since Wonshik is very bad at reading the maps on his phone given by his friend. He curses few times at the younger who sit beside him and keeps mumbles that they will arrived early if he only lets Mya to sit in front and read the maps. The girl at the back only crosses her arms and watch the two bickering at the front seat. Actually she is quite mad of something. Something that is related to the cute blonde. Jeez its weird though why he didn't give her a text or whatever. He seems sincere and innocently when he asked for her phone number. Mya lets out her frustration loudly and looks outside of the window.

"Why are you sighing?" Wonshik turns his head to the back and asked. While Hakyeon only looking through the mirror.

"Nothing... just give me the phone. Gosh you're so slow," Wonshik pass the phone to Mya and yes they finally arrived at the destination.

"See! We will arrive so much earlier if you're not being stubborn," Hakyeon complains. The younger ignores his naggings and said that Hakyeon is nearly reach his monopause thats why he is grumpy. Well then he gladly receive the love neck chopped from the elder. Wonshik calls the bestfriend of his and inform that they already arrived. Mya saw Taekwoon steps out from the door and immediately get out from the car to get in Taekwoon's arm. While those two guys in the car only grumbles in jealousy because they never receive that kind of treatment from Mya, only Taekwoon did.

Taekwoon spins her around and ruffles her hair as if she's a baby. "Did my girl here do well in Korea? Did Hakyeon being clingy over you?" Mya both nods and shakes after hearing the question. Surprisingly she is not annoyed at all by Taekwoon and always avoid to answer Wonshik and Hakyeon.

"Yah Jung Taekwoon. Don't you want to invite us in?" Wonshik said annoyingly. Seriously he doesn't like the idea of Mya and Taekwoon being all nice and clingy. But what to do that sister of his likes his friend more than him. Taekwoon rolls his eyes and immediately bring them in. Mya slowly puts off her shoes and only letting the guys to enter first then she steps her foot inside the house.

"Oh!!! Hongbin!" she heard Hakyeon's loud voice calling out a familiar name. Hongbin? Mya frowns. Is it the Hongbin that she knows of the other Hongbin? She peeks her head inside the door and got caught by Jaehwan who has plates on his hand.

"Oh Mya? What are you doing here?" Jaehwan utters the question. Taekwoon did mention there will be two guys and a girl but Mya is out of his expectancy.

"Oh Jaehwan oppa, what are you doing here?" Mya stupidly asking. Of course its his house you moron. She knocks her head slowly and suddenly her hand was grabbed by Jaehwan and pulls her to the dining room.

"Sit here. Our Hyogi bear will come out soon. HYOGI-AH PALLI HYUNG'S FRIENDS ARE HERE ALREADY!!" Jaehwan screams on top of his lungs over someone named Hyogi bear. Mya expects for a little kid running down from the stairs but the little kid that he assumed is a giant blonde locks with a cream sweater.

"Oh Hyuk??" Mya stands up from her seat not believing that she meet someone that she is frustrated here inside his own house. Hyuk who just finish dress himself up after cooking also shock seeing her in his house. Wonshik senses the blooming atmosphere immediately nudges Taekwoon's side and ask how did his cousin knows his sister. But then, Jaehwan answers instead of Mya who wants to open herself. Hakyeon and Mya feels so small under Wonshik's stare after their secret of Mya went for a holiday exposed.

My, my. Someone don't know how to keep their big mouth shut. Mya speaks in her mind. Well since the secrets exposed plus Hakyeon's bruise is still present, she told her brother the truth about what had happened and the protective brother kicks Hakyeon under the table, earning a whimper from the elder.

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