Will You Marry Me?

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(The song above would be used and it's better to play it while reading this chapter to get more of a "feel".)

Branch's POV

Today's the day... The day where me and Guy Diamond propose to our respective girlfriends. We have already told the girls about our double date so everything should work out just fine. I sat up in bed, and can't help singing the song "Will you marry me" to myself again. I was going to sing this song while proposing to Poppy. The girls didn't know this song so it was OK to sing it and not make it too obvious. Me and Guy Diamond splited the song to propose to both of the girls. I couldn't help but to worry for a second. What if everything goes wrong? What if Poppy rejects? What if a natural disaster happens?! OK, the last one is ridiculous but still, the others are a possibility... I cleared my head and headed to the bathroom, I only had thirty more minutes until the girls arrive.

*30 minute time skip.*

Guy Diamond arrived first followed by the girls. 'This is going to be so fun!
A double date! How cool is that?' Poppy exclaimed. 'Like, out of this world cool Poppy! I can't think of anything that can make this day better.' DJ Suki replied, jumping a little. I saw Guy Diamond give me a sly smirk. I can't help but to grin back. What the girls didn't know that this day CAN get better. 'Poppy, today instead of going to a park, we're going to bring you both to somewhere special.' I said in slightly mysterious tone. 'Ooo, I like the sound of that!' Poppy said, her enthusiasm growing. 'OK, let's go!' Guy Diamond shouted.

*time skip*

I pushed away the vines that were drooping down in front of me and heard the girls gasp in delight. 'Branch... How did you find this place?' Poppy said, still marveling the sight of her long lost garden. 'Well, actually Cooper showed this to us and we thought it was going to be fun to bring you girls back here again.' I said as calmly as I can. Poppy ran up into the sea of poppies and inhaled the lovely scent of all the flowers. DJ Suki did the same and soon the girls were giggling and and running around the garden like little kids. I mentally faceplamed myself at the sight and Guy Diamond just laughed. I looked at Poppy and decided that it was time. I gave Guy Diamond a knowing nod and we both approached the girls. I double tapped Poppy's shoulder to make her face me. 'A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I want to be with you.' I sang, holding Poppy's hands. Poppy looked a little bit confused but that is exactly what I wanted her expression to be. 'Wake up every morning with you in my bed, that's precisely what I plan to do. And you know one of these days, when I get my money right, buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life. We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush, but one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough...' I took a silent deep breath. 'I'll say will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it, I'll say will you marry me?' I sang, getting on one knee and presenting her with the ring. Poppy was silent and so was everyone else. (Except for DJ Suki who was failing to keep her fangirling noises in.) Poppy suddenly cried and tackled me to the ground, enveloping me in a tear and joyous-filled hug. 'Of course I will you dummy... ' She said, before nervously laughing. I lightly pushed her away from my body and slipped on the ring onto her ring finger. She admired it for a while before pulling me in for a sweet kiss.

Guy Diamond's POV

I looked at Poppy and Branch as they kissed. I know it was wrong but they are just too cute! I could see DJ Suki fangirling over them as well. This was my cue to start singing my part, which I nervously coughed before doing so. 'How many girls can make me feel like this? Baby I don't ever plan to find out.' I sang and caught DJ Suki's attention. She probably knew what was coming next but she seemed clueless. She just cocked her head and stared at me. 'The more I look, the more I find the reasons why... You're the love of my life. You know one of these days, when I get my money right, buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life. We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush, but one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough... I'll say will you marry me? I swear that I would mean it, I said will you marry me?' I sang in my auto-tuned voice, getting on one knee and presenting DJ Suki with her ring. She immediately kissed me and "awws" from the other couple could be heard. After about a minute or two she parted away from me. I took the ring that was knocked down my DJ Suki and slipped it on her ring finger. She was almost in tears but she didn't let them show like Poppy. Instead, she just kissed me again. I'm going to love being with her for the rest of my life...

Branch's POV

I was staring at Guy Diamond and DJ Suki in awe before snapping back into reality and gave a nod to Guy Diamond. 'And if I lost everything, in my heart it means nothing cause I have you, girl I have you. To get right down on bended knee, nothing else would ever be better, better, that day when I'll say will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it, I'll say will you marry me?' Me and Guy Diamond sang together, making the girls blush. We were directing the lyrics to our respective girlfriends of course. 'Got me singing! Ooh woah oh woah, ooh woah oh woah, ooh woah oh woahh oh yeah.' Me and Guy Diamond finished, smiling at each other. This was a success! 'Who knew that the both of you would pull something like this...' Poppy stated, laughing and admiring her ring. 'And I love this ring! But not as much as I love you my king-to-be!' She said, enveloping me in a bear hug. I took a side glance at Guy Diamond and saw that DJ Suki was hugging him too. This day is just perfect, like a dream...

Awwwww! So. Cute. Sorry I didn't update earlier guys, I had to baby sit my cousins and trust me you won't want to know how busy I was. But I managed to squeeze this chapter in for you guys tonight. I won't be writing anymore for today but I'll make it up to you tommorow. The next chapter is one of the few fluffy moments from the lives of being proposed so stay tuned! Peace!

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