When You Lose Someone You Love

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*The song above will be used and best played during this chapter to feel what Guy Diamond is feeling and his emotions. *

Poppy's POV

I put the pendent in my pocket before turning to Branch. I noticed that Branch had the same shocked expression I had. 'Branch, I think something bad happened to Guy Diamond and DJ Suki. Since this is Guy Diamond's pendent, I think we should pay him a visit first.' I said anxiously. Branch gave me a quick nod before we ran like the wind to Guy Diamond's pod.

*time skip*

We reached the entrance of Guy Diamond's pod and now Branch was knocking on his door. Please tell me that this is all a joke, please tell me that his necklace dropped by accident. DJ Suki and Guy Diamond can and would not break up. 'Who's there?' I heard Guy Diamond shout from the other side of the door. 'It's me! Poppy! And Branch too! We need to talk too you.' I shouted back. There was no response for a while but soon after, I heard the door click. What I saw next truly shocked me. The door opened to reveal a grey Guy Diamond, with the saddest expression on his face. 'OK, now we seriously need to talk to you.' I said as calmly as I can. 'I'll explain when you guys come inside.' Guy Diamond said in a monotone voice.  We did as he said and he closed the door behind us. 'What is going on?' I heard Branch ask with concern. Sighing, Guy Diamond told us the events that happened right outside the coffee shop. I gasped when he finished, allowing all that new information sink into my brain. 'So does that mean you're breaking up with Suki?' I asked, my voice trembling. 'Not really... But... Her actions spoke louder than her words and it seems like to me that she wants Jackson more than me.' Guy Diamond said before breaking out into a song. 'I thought that I've been hurt before... But no one's ever left me quite this sore. Her words cut deeper than a knife, and now I need someone to bring me back to life... Got a feeling that I'm going under, but I'll know that I'll make it out alive! If I quit calling her my lover, move onnn... She watched me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking falling onto my knees,  and now that I'm without her kisses, I'll be needing stitches. Tripping over myself, aching begging her to come help. But now that I'm without her kisses, I'll be needing stitches.' Guy Diamond sang, his auto tuned voice hardly auto tuned at all. 'Just like a moth drawn to a flame... Oh she lured me in I couldn't sense the pain. Her bitter heart cold to the touch... And now I reap what I sow, I'm left seeing red on my own. Got a feeling that I'm going under, but I know that I'll make it out alive! If I quit calling her my lover, move on... She watched me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking falling onto my knees. And now that I'm without her kisses, I'll be needing stitches...needing, stitches... ' Guy Diamond sang, sitting down in a bean bag and running his hands through his hair. 'Guy Diamond... 'I said as assuringly as I can, my heart aching because of whats happening in front of me. Branch, as if he had sensed my pain, got up from his chair to hug and comfort me. 'Don't worry Guy Diamond, we'll help you fix this.' I said while patting his arm fondly. It just hurts to see one of your friends in a state like this. Me, Branch and Guy Diamond said our goodbyes before me and Branch headed out the door. 'If we're in luck, we may catch Suki in the act of cheating, but for now, let's just take a trip to her pod...' Were the last words I said before stopping abruptly...

*me doing and animé gasp* What do you think Poppy saw or experienced to make her stop? And I'm sorry for the lack of chapters the past 3 days... I may have to limit myself to 1 chapter per day now because I have homework to do. My parents are literally giving me stacks apon stacks of homework to do. Again, I'm so sorry and I'll see you on the next chapter. Peace!

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