*Christina's POV*
When she and Adam got to the
backstage, Adam introduced her to the
rest of the guys.
"Hey guys! This is Christina. Christina,
these are the guys Jesse, James, Ryan,
and Mickey," introduced Adam.
Christina smiled and said,"It's nice to
meet you all." And before they could
say anything else, it was the boys' cue
to go onset. Adam had just enough time
though to call out to Christina,"I'll see
you up there!" He winked at her and
left with the rest of the boys. Christina
just stood there and smiled. She then
walked over to one of the monitors
showing the interview and focused on
Adam. She didn't doubt it in her mind,
she thought Adam was super sweet and
funny and beyond handsome.
*Stop it Christina. You're with Jordan.
You can't fall for him.* she thought to
herself. One of the crewmen came up to
her and told her that she was to be
onstage. Her heart started to pound.
She then walked up onto the stage and
heard the audience screaming her
name. She smiled brightly and took her
seat, which was right next to Adam's.
*Adam's POV*
As Christina took her seat, Adam
started to feel butterflies in his
stomach. He just didn't feel like himself
when she was near him. He felt like he
was gonna lose control of himself, and
yet he didn't even know why. As the
interview went on, all he did was stare
at his feet and stare at Christina a few
times when she was talking. When the
interview was reaching its final point,
the host then asked,"So have you guys
ever met before this?" Adam froze and
Christina looked at him. Then Jesse
answered the question and responded
"Not exactly. I mean, we knew who she
was and we've heard the way she sings,
but we haven't personally met her until
today." Adam finally found words and
replied,"Yes! And when I found out she
was gonna be on the show with us, I
gotta admit, I was really excited. She's
like a legend!" At that moment,
Christina blushed and said,"Thank you
Adam! And I agree with these guys
about not meeting each other
personally, but I knew who they were
and I've heard their music. You guys
sound amazing! I love your song 'She
Will Be Loved'." "That's the song we're
performing today!" Adam exclaimed.
The host then turned to the camera and
said,"Well we're going to take a break,
and when we come back, you guys will