Hello, min'na I start to make an early updated but I can't clearly finished this.. it may took a weeks before I published this but I start typing this on Monday, December 5, 2016 !!! (0^_^0) ! Sate, kore o shiyou !
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♔~Yuzuru's POV~♚
The girl was almost beaten up but she still was standing. " You know if you lost this battle your going to lose something in exchange and you might died. " I coldly said. I maybe a monster in this form but I still have some guilty. " I won't I'm going to defeat you first. " she said before launching at me.
What did she mean by that ? I thought before I dispelled her magic. She's wizard so her magic won't work on me as long as I have my potion that I got from one of my challenger. One of most powerful potion.
I guess I need to finish this because it's been an hour since the battle begin and she still haven't even damage me. I swing my scythe before I speed up my pace and cutting her in chest. She fall in the ground and the blood start to form. " I-i beg y-you p-please d-don't take h-him a-away. " she whispered but I could heard her very well.
A dialogue appeared in front of me. Asking if I going to accept the reward. I didn't accept it because I have enough for now. I got scored from the fight and some skills and I'm pretty tired now because of the beat that I got.
I go out of the basement before I log out. After I transformed back I called the ambulance that a accident happened here. After that I got my bag before walking home.
What the hell is she talking about ? Should I call Laura about this ? nah mabye after I cleaned up my wounds. I winced at my wound when I touch it. After opening my house door I put my shoes at the the cabinet. " Tadaima. " I called waiting for answer but got nothing.
Well that's was cold it's not like someone is going to answer. Mom must be at the club while dad is on his second wife. I sighed.Mabye I should my a dinner for myself ? nah I feel so tired and I still need to do homework and this wounds too.
I walked upstair before opening my bedroom door. I putted my bag and jacket at my cabinet. I got up and head to the bathroom. Opening the lights and opening the cabinet and grabbing the first aid kit.
I walked out of the bathroom and starting to treat my wounds. After putting bandages on my arms, leg, face, stomach and neck. I go to my closet and grabbing one of my shirts and short. After I put it on. I started doing my homework.
I got homework on Science, Math. It only took me five minutes to finish it since I known this problem. I collapsed on my bed after that as I was about to fall-asleep I forgot about Laura. I open my phone lock before dailing Laura.
*Call Conversation* L- Laura Y- Yuzuru
L- ~Hello Yuzu-chan what's the matter ? Calling like this.
Y- I need some information on all of my previous battle and the chanllenger.
Y- What don't tell me you can't do it ?
L- It's not like that but you mean all of them ? For your information YOU GOT MORE THAT 30 CHANGELLENGER THIS LAST PREVIOUS WEEK ?!!
Y- Don't Yell !! If you can't do it then don't.
L- Okay, okay but what's gotten to you ? Yuzu-chan
Y- It's none of your business.
I hung up because I know that Laura is going to question about that. I feel really tired now like my whole body just want to sleep. I didn't even know when I fall asleep.
~The next day~
Died bodies and blood everywhere Everything look real but for some reason I feel empty standing at top of many corpes.
I feel Lonely
and most of all the feeling losing someone.
NO !!!!! I don't want this feeling please !!! please !!! stop it !!
I woke up breathing heavily. Wow such a beautiful way to wake up. I thought note sacarsm before going out of my warm bed. I head to my bathroom taking a warm shower. I wore my school uniform.
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I walked downstair and a quite living greet me. Mom mabye pass out in the love hotel. I walk to the kitchen and grab granola bar and an apple before exiting my home. As I was walking I pass a dark alley. Asual I ignored it but as I took step forward.
I heard a small moaned in pain coming from the alley. It took my curiosity before I know it. I was already walking to where the sound came from. I stopped on a bloody naked girl it's look like she was raped. " P-pl-ease.... hel-p.. me.. " she asked for help.
For some reason I didn't feel anything watching her in that situation. I pulled out my phone and dial the 911 about this they said it may took a minutes before they come here. I got my handkerchief from my bag before wipping the blood from her face.
I could feel someone staring at me. I look back to meet no one. Must be my imagination. I thought before a loud sound of siren. I start to walk back to the street to my school. I looked at my phone before I panic because I was late for my class.
I dash to my school. Let's shortcut now.. I don't wanna be in the hallway again. I thought before I jump from the wall and landing in my feet. I run to my classroom seeing that Mr.atsuya already start the lecture.
I slowly open the door. " Mr. Yamasaki your late again. " He said mockly at me. My classmates laugh at that. Seriously Is that even funny ? because I don't find it funny not even one percent but for someone like them. I gave a heavy sigh before I start to act as Dame.
" I'm sorry sensei... " My voice was low but I know they heard it. " Well what do you expect from a dame, now go to your seat. " Atsuya-sensei said mockly being stupid they are. They laugh at me.
I slowly make my way to my proper seat. I put my bag on the right side of my seat. I sat down as the teacher continue his lesson.
I stared at the sky. I hope nothing bad happend.. I thought as my bangs shadow my face.
And DONE !!!! Hope you like it and don't forget to vote, comment,shared !!!!!