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Marcus POV

I didn't want to leave but it was getting late. I was emotionally drained and confused about what happens next.

We had gone through pictures of our childhood, i made her tell me all the stories for each picture hoping to remember, instead i still felt like she was talking about someone else.


"How about this one" I pointed to all three of us on a sled looking down a hill in anticipation. I looked about 12 and she was 8.

"oh" she said with a smile in her voice. " that's when our parents took us to a ski resort in West Virginia, for winter break." she traced the pictures edges remembering. "it was awesome, there was so much snow, we played in it everyday. our folks let us go in the hot tubs on the decks at night. We would see who could make the biggest steam cloud. On the last day i fell and broke my arm and Jase was mad because you were suppose to be watching me, so he tripped you on your snowboard and broke your wrist. We were cast buddies for months." she smiled and shook her head.

I flipped a couple more pages. there was a picture of her on a bar stool squeezing her eyes closed as a woman was piercing her ears.

"that was my 13th birthday..... i got my first kiss that night. He was the boy of my dreams. I fell in love with him that night."

her words hurt me, i didn't like her describing her feeling for someone else. 

"oh" i huffed "do you still love him now?" surely not she was only 13.

"Yeah i do" she smiled at me

her phone buzzed

"shit" she cursed "my rents are on the was, you should go until i figure this out."


and so i was being ushered out of the house. "um goodnight I guess, Ashley"

she kissed my cheek "Night Marcus"

I drove home in a daze. Susan was already asleep 'she didn't even call' i thought

after tossing a little sleep overcame.

*****Marcus' Dream*****

I caught another marsh mellow in my mouth. "That's 16 in a row Jase" I bragged and threw one at him. I saw her out of the corner of my eye. Her hair was down silver hoops peeked out. She was wearing a black skirt and a hot pink top. Some pop/punk song played in the back round. Her friends surrounded her hugging and wishing her Happy Birthday. I smiled at her, bringing a blush to her cheeks. Jase saw her and knocked me in my shoulder. "No funny business" he whispered to me. I acted innocent "What?"

She Yelled "Let the Party Begin!"

I tried to stay close to her the whole party while Jase mingled with the girls. I asked her to dance when a slow song came on. "sure" she said quietly. I smiled

'always so timid and beautiful'

I put my hands on her waist and she set hers on my shoulders. My body tingled at her touch

the song ended to soon and she went to get some pizza

"hey man" Jase bumped me into a lamp causing it to fall and break

His dad yelled down the stairs "HEY! What was that?!" we froze "Accident dad!" Jase yelled back

"Well be careful ok. You got 20 minutes till parents get here!"

Crap i needed more time. "Hey Jason" he was flirting with the girls again. "lets play a game" I winked at him, he smiled devilishly 

"Yeah, Lets."

he walked over to the trash and dug around a little. "Okay everyone" getting the attention of the room "just enough time for spin the bottle to welcome my sister into her teens!"

the boys cheered and the girls squealed

Jase and I had practiced spinning all week to find the perfect way to make the bottle land where you wanted it to instead of chancing it.

Jase went first landing on Maggie, he gave her a quick kiss.

next was a girl, Ella i think, all i know was she didn't land on me.

My turn next.

I winked at Jase, He's probably thinking i wanted to kiss Krissy, she was cute but not like her. I spun the bottle with skill. It slowed and then stopped right where i wanted.

Jase hit me pretty hard on the back. "Congrats on giving the Birthday girl her first kiss"

She blushed a deep red

'stupid ass' i thought at him

I crawled across the circle to her. I got right up to her face "Happy Birthday Ashley" I said. she closed her eyes, i leaned in slowly moistening my lips. My nerves were on fire. I pressed my lips to hers. They were so soft and full. Sweet and plump. I was frozen by that kiss, stuck in bliss. I heard snickers and pulled away not wanting to push my luck.

She opened her eyes and i was lost in her ocean colored eyes. She was amazing 'i love her' i thought i smiled and backed away 'i love ashley'.





My alarm woke me up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and then it all rushed back to me "Holy Shit!"

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