It's Just Spilt Milk

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~~~ What's ya think of Ashley's story??? I needed her dark and twisty... So here's what i picture her tattoo like---> HOTT~~~~

Marcus POV

'what a mess' i thought as i rubbed her back. I felt like an ass for correcting her on Susan's status. I wanted to make Ashley whole again.. but she says she broken and unfixable. I didn't want her to be this girl. I really didn't like hearing about the horrible things that she's gone though.. i really didn't like her reactions while telling me about them. Thinking of her sleeping around with multiple people and getting messed up made me hurt inside. 

Her phone buzzed.

"Hello?" she held it to her ear "Hi mom"

was she going to tell them what happened?

"yeah it's fine..... no i understand... hows Pop pop?..... Oh good. I'm fine..... The party was, a party...." 

I scowled at her, she placed her hands on my lips and shook her head

"Don't worry about it mom, i'll be fine.... yes i'm sure I'm 18 years old i can take care of myself for a few weeks..... Ok yeah.... Love you too, bye" she hung up

"Why didn't you tell them?" I yelled at her

"Shhh..." she put her hands over her ears

"one... I still have a massive hangover. two, my grandpa had an accident and my parents have enough to deal with taking care of him. They don't need to worry about me too... three, I'm fine. I don't remember what that douche did cause i was unconscious... and I've been through worse, so i had my little episode last night and now i'm fine. Okay"

i wanted to yell 'no! not okay' and call her her parents back

"You said you're fine twice.. but okay" I muttered out,

'Good, not i'm going to get something to eat" she got up and left her room going downstairs to the kitchen.

I checked my phone. One voice mail and one message. both from Susan,

----we need to talk----

the text read

I dialed my voice mail

"Hey Marc, look i didn't mean to freak out last night. I know you have unresolved issues that you are dealing with. I think we need time to figure them out... Maybe we should cool off a little. I mean you've known me for two years but you don't really know me.. you don't really know you... So I know this guy, he works with me in the same building... His name is Nate and he's like awesome at memory recover therapy... I think we should go see him. Call me so we can schedule something. Maybe he can help and you won't feel the need to be so destructive and distant. Yes i've noticed you pulling away from our relationship... You don't need to. I'm not suffocating you, we work well together and maybe this declaration of advancement in our lives is stressing you... So lets put the engagement on hold, i'm sure that things will resolve as we work them out. Again call me so we can get started. Bye."

i looked at my phone confused 'no i love you.. no where are you?... barely an apoligy, just business' i sighed and texted Susan

--- Not ready, staying with a friend for a while.. talk later---

my phone buzzed


"Really?" I asked the text message... "K?" stupid one letter answers!

I got up and went downstairs to eat with Ashley. 

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