stay away [ a zayn malik fan fiction]

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*Chloe's POV*

i decided to take a walk after a burlty fight my mother. We always fought me, i hated it just like i hated her. i was walking when i heard a can of spray paint, being my courious self i walked towards it. " anyone here" i say slowly. "Chloe!" someone yelled behide me. "GG,Ashly,Allie,Brody?!" i said turning aroud to see all of the there. "i missed you some much!' i yelled as i hugged everyone. "we missed you to" Ashly yelled


"hello" i said standing behide my mother. "be nice Chloe" my momther warned me. "i dont know them, thought mummy" i said as my mum pushed me forward. "im Ashly" said a cheerful blonde girl with brown eyes said. "iz Gia, But people call me GG' Said a burennte with hazle brown eyes girl. "Im Allie' said a black haired girl with green eyes. "im Brody' said a blonde guy with green eyes said. "im Chloe" i said with a smile. "wanna make a group" Allie asked "YEAH" Ashly said


"WHERE HAD YOU BEEN?!" i asked "in florida" GG said sheepishly. "WHAT?! we live in Newyork" i screamed. why were they in Florida, thats to far from newyork. "why were you guys there" i asked sitting down on the hard,cold ground . "we were going to a funrel for my mum" Ashly said with tears down her cheecks.


,GG,Brody,Allie told me about their lives over the 5 years.GG is single, Allie has a boyfriend and his name Toby. Brody likes Ashly but she has a boyfriend. Brody told me that secretly. TWEET my phone rang

'young lady come home now you are grounded for a whole month for getting arrested for the 7th time now, come home! >:('

My mum texted me. "im sorry guys I gotta go home, my mums pissed at me right now." said sadly "ok text us though" Brody said with a sad smile.

I was walking home when I heard screaming girls. CRAP, what the fuck are people doing around screaming?! Was Obama here or -- I got tackled to the ground by like 500 girls at once. I walked to the ally way I always paint on and saw a boy with tattoos up his arm. "excuse me? Last time checked this was my ally!" I asked.
It took a while to answer me.
"oh-I-I-was looking at your paints, they're really good by the way" he stutterd. "You were checking me out" I said with a strait face. I opened an aqua blue spray can bottle and started spraying. After about 15 minutes I heard a cop car. "crap" I yelled gathering all the bottles and ran. "Bye" I heard the guy yell as I ran away and he ran to this big bus. I ran to Ashly ,Brody,Allie,GG and grabbed all their hands and started running again. "whats happening" GG asked. "I was sparying and the cops are coming" I said while getting a purple colored spray can out. I stopped and sprayed a cops car and then a cops face. I started running again but a cop car chased me, it stopped and I stopped he held a gun up and I saw all my friends smiling remembering the past. I smiled and looked at the cop again, I sprayed him and he shot the gun just above my head and I started running again. I ran until I lost them. I decided to go to Starbucks. I have a friend there named Makenzie there. 'Hey Makenzie" I said "Hey" she said.


I saw a beautiful girl with red curly hair, green eyes, tattoos, and a lip piercing. She was very pretty and I wish I could get her name.


Thank you guys for reading. Also read a story called : What Once Was Lost by blubaby123.

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