Chapter 3

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"Hello?" Ashton said opening the door. "Hey" I said sniffling. "what happened Chlo."

I explained everything to my brother.

"I'm sorry sis,I have to go to work ok? ill be back in 3 hours."


I decided to walk around the hotel. If I'm gonna live here, might as well know where everything is.

"Hello" the employee said. "I'm Logan" he smiled. Logan was about 21 with brown straight hair and brown eyes. He kinda looked like Anthony from Smosh. "hi, I'm Chloe" I said and smiled. "Are you new here?" "yes, I bet it's obvious, I'm pretty sure everyone saw me going into the Men's bathroom thinking its the food court! Witch I learned that this hotel does not have." I said while Logan laughed. "well why don't I take you on a tour? So you can get to know where everything is." Logan said

"Ok, but promise you won't take me to the Men's restroom.It was just petrifing what was in there!" I said and shivered

"I won't." Logan said holding out a pinky. Our pinky's shook. "let me get my phone, yeah?" "alright"

I was just walking out of my room when I ran into a man - with VERY good feeling abs -.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" he said. He had dark brownish - blackish hair with brown eyes. "I'm Zayn , Zayn Malik" When he said Zayn it sounded like ' zen ' .

"I'm Chloe, Chloe Longo" I replied with a smile. It was until then I realized I dropped my phone. "shit!" It was sooo cracked,it looked like I dropped it 3600 feet when I only it dropped about 2-3 feet. "oh, I'm sorry. I- i'll buy you a new one!" he said in a smile. " No way, it's like a billon dollars for a PHOTO of one!" I joked. He just laughed. "so I see you have a room next to mine?" He questioned. "I guess." I said. "we'll I better get going. I have a tour to go to!" I said and was about to walk away when Zayn grabbed my arm. "Bye"

1 hour later-

I was walking to my room with Logan after the tour. "I got to go work, bye Chloe" Logan waved and walked away. I was now walking alone. "Chloe!' I deep accent scared me. I turned around to see Zayn with a box behide his back.

"Here you go" Zayn said handing me the box.

The box read-

IPhone 5c gold

"! Thank you sooo much. You're like a millionaire!' I joked. "well, it only cost 5 bucks" that shocked me. I stared at him wide eyed. "f-five dollars!?" "ya, well you probably don't know this- wait you probably do - I'm famous and the employee was a fan so a 10 second kiss, autograph, and picture was all it took."

"Wow just- wow." I said. I was so shocked. Famous, like a ultra billionaire and 5 dollars for an IPhone. Not to mention its a 5c!

I opened the box - gold - I saw a gold rectangle right in front of me.

I noticed a piece of paper. "well have fun. I have a interview to go to." Zayn said. "ok bye and THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. I don't think I can ever forgive you !" "you can" he said " by coming on a date with me!" he said. My mouth dropped. "o-o-ok" I said stumbling over my words. "alright good.It's a date then!"


Cliffy for today guys. Im sick and have nothing better to do :(: this was a sucky chapter I know I'm knew at this OH and hope you guys like the cover! its pretty cheap tho lol - Gabby <3

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