Chapter 12

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I stared at Wake blankly. What did he want from me? I didn't have much to offer as a teammate. Sponsors, maybe. Could it be some sort of trick?

"Well, would you like to join me as an ally?" he asked, "I could help you out a lot, and anyone you're already with could join." Wake seemed trustworthy enough, but I couldn't let my guard down.

"I am already with Volker and Romy," I told him.

"Volker?" he asked, "who is that?" I point to Volker, who was throwing spears. I was genuinely surprised. He was really good. Wake nodded. "He seems like a nice guy."

"He doesn't talk," I explained, "but he has been very kind to me." Wake smiled. He and I went through all the stations, trying my hand at everything. Nothing really clicked, much to my dismay.

"Want to try the arrows?" Wake asked. I shook my head.

"Already did. I'm not very good. I never have been."

"Try them again," urged Wake, "show me what you can do."

"Fine," I sighed. I picked up the bow and arrows again. Zing. Bullseye. Zing, zing, zing. All hits. Wake raised an eyebrow. We continued to spend training together.

"So, how old are you?" I asked him.

"Eighteen," he replied, "barely made the cut."

"Why don't you team up with the girl from your District?"

"Anaïs?" Wake chuckled, "Have you seen her?" I shook my head no. Wake led me over to a girl, who was throwing various objects at a dummy at a rapid speed. She looked crazed, and her mouth hung open savagely like a rabid animal. Her hair was cut short like a boys' and her nails were filed into sharp points.

"She's a career," added Wake.

"How old?" I asked.

"Only fifteen. Pretty surprising, right?" I nodded. Wake continued, "We have some young careers. Have you seen Epsilon yet?" I nodded again, looking over to Epsilon, who was throwing spears.

"Watch out for him," Wake warned.

"Do you know any of the other careers?" I asked. Wake seemed to know a lot about everyone. He nodded at me.

"You've met Cassian," he began, "and Phoebe, the girl, is also from One. They want to team up with Anaïs, but not Epsilon. There's a boy career from Three, and a girl from Six, too. I think they may be with Epsilon."

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

"I watch people a lot," he replied, "I retain information quickly and it stays. People back home call me 'the sponge.'"

"You must be pretty strong, too," I said, alluding to his muscular build. Not only was he buff, but he was quite attractive too. The Capitol people were probably in a line to sponsor him. Stupid, I told myself, don't let your guard down. He could be finding my weaknesses as we speak.

He only nods to me, brushing his black hair out of his face.

"Well, Fern, it was nice talking to you, but we should both get working," he told me. I agree, and we went our seperate ways.

I went to pick up the arrows again, but they were snatched out of my hands by Phoebe, who didn't say a word. She didn't need to. She walked around like the world belonged to her, and they way she looked at you made you feel inferior. I snarled under my breath and went to go try a mace.

It was heavy, almost too heavy, but I managed. Looking closer, I knew the mace could do serious damage. I swung it wildly at a dummy. Though he dummy was weighted, it crashed to the floor. I continued to clobber the dummies, trying to feel more comfortable with it. Maybe the mace would become my friend in the Games.

I kept trying weapons, but I didn't really have the heart. Something was stopping me, and I couldn't figure out what. I had better figure it out by the time the Games started or else I'd be dead with in the bloodbath.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of training for the day. I ran off to find my team and discuss our plans for the Games.

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