Chapter 15

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Lina, Haymitch, Volker, Tybalt, and the rest of my team gathered in front of the enormous screen. Anticipation was in the air, because we were about to find out our evaluation scores. I was mostly excited to see how low mine was in comparison to everyone else. After that awful session, here wasn't much I could do but make light of it.

The announcer explained the scoring system excitedly. Haymitch made random toasts to no one and spilled on Lina's poofy pink dress, but she didn't even care. The anticipation was just too great. Everyone got quiet, the scores were about to be announced.

"From District One, Cassian, with a score of ten!" Wow. I did not expect that at all. I knew Cassian was a threat but was he really that lethal? I shuddered thinking of all the ways he could kill me.

"Also from One, Phoebe with a score of seven!" Also a surprise. A fairly low score for a career.

"From Two, Dashiell with a score of seven!" Romy was next. I crossed my fingers for her.

"And Romy, with a score of five!" Oh no. Now everyone saw Romy as incompetent. Hopefully someone, anyone got a lower score than a five.

"From Three, Ivo, with a score of ten!" A ten!? Ivo, the boy from Three, appeared to be hardly a threat. He was fairly short, stocky, but he must have some incredible tricks up his sleeve.

"And, Nydia, with a score of seven!" Next was Wake. That traitor. I clenched my fists as his face appeared on the screen.

"From District Four, Wake! With a score of eleven!" My jaw dropped. Well, he was a career, wasn't he?

"Also from Four, Anaïs, with a score of ten!" Not surprising.

"From Five, Merrick! With a score of eight! Next is Althea, with a score of six!" Althea was the snob, I remembered. Why would the careers include her with that low of a score?! Maybe it was another trick.

"From our oldest District, Six, Ettore with a score of nine! And Finola with a score of eight!"

"From Seven, Epsilon..." then announcer looked surprised, "Epsilon, with a score of twelve!" What? A twelve? That was higher than Wake, who was a foot taller! I immediately found respect and fear for small, young Epsilon. What a surprise!

"Also from Seven, Linden, with a score of six!" Poor Linden, I thought, I sure hope Epsilon wants you as an ally...

Next was the careers from eight.

"From Eight, Kav! With a score of ten! And Hilaria, with a score of seven!" Another seven from a career. This had to be their strategy, some sort of trick. But then why would Kav, Wake, Cassian and Anaïs get such high scores?

"From Nine, Dilwyn, with a score of ten! And Blaise, with a score of four!" Blaise mystified me. She was always seen with the careers, but she looked like a morphling addict, always out of it. I guess I'd find out soon enough.

"From Ten, Shep! With a score of six! And Paloma, with a score of eight!"

"From Eleven, Quince, with a score of eight! And Mayara, with a score of four." Clearly this girl had given up. Was it a mistake to ask her to join my alliance?

"And lastly, from District Twelve, Volker! With a score of ten!" The room erupted into cheers. Volker smiled gleefully, and I patted him on the back. My turn.

"And last but not least, Fern... with a score of...."


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