Chapter 22

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The next day I was awoken by Romy, who was eager to get moving. I was hesitant at first, but when I realized that the Gamemakers wouldn't be happy if we did nothing, I agreed. Our steps made deep imprints in the snow behind us, and I hoped that no one was tracking us down.

"How many people are left?" I asked Romy. She bit her lower lip, counting silently on her fingers.

"If I'm remembering correctly, there's seven or eight. That's including you and me," she said after calculating.

"Okay, so that's me, you, Wake, Epsilon, Cassian... Who else?"

"Hmm..." Romy began, "Ivo and Anaïs. And Hilaria, the girl from Eight."

"That's it?" I asked. She shook her head yes. We walked some more, talking very little. I thought I heard something in the distance. Romy's head snapped in the direction of the sound. Almost in a trance, she took a few steps in the direction.

"Romy. What are you doing?" I hissed, "we should go to the cornucopia, I can't hear anything coming from over there. Plus, we need to eat." She shook her head.

"I have a hunch that we should go this way."

"Are you crazy!?!! I can hear other people. Everyone is out to get us now. Volker's --- Volker's dead now, we can't trust anybody." She sighed, looking in both directions.

"Fine." We didn't say much the entire way, I didn't want to. I didn't want to remind myself and Romy about what I would have to do. I had to get her home safe, and I knew that meant sacrificing myself. A strong blizzard nipped at our faces as we trudged along, and I positioned myself in front of Romy to shield her from the oncoming wind and snow.

I looked behind me to make sure Romy stayed close, but I saw that she was several feet behind. A look of petrifaction was washed over her face.

I was worried, but we needed to hurry. "What now? What is it?" She pointed warily in my direction. Hilaria. She took right before me, clutching a mace. Up close, she was a good half-foot shorter than me, but I knew that didn't matter. Not now.

"So, you think you can kill off my friends and not expect me to be angry?" she cackled, "You don't expect that I want revenge? Let's see... Your little friend Volker killed Kav." I clenched my fists at the sound of Volker's name. Hilaria grinned maliciously, twirling her mace. "And Althea? She was my best friend. And you killed her--- you worthless twerp...." A dark, large figure burst out from what seemed like nowhere. He was hard to see, but I knew in an instant that it was Wake.

I stumbled backwards in surprise and horror where terrifying events were about to unfold.

"Run, Romy! Run! Get out of here!" I knew I couldn't run now. I didn't know why, but something was telling me I needed to stay. Wake lunged at Hilaria with a knife, but was easily deflected by her mace. She swung at him several times, each time making it harder and harder to dodge. Meanwhile, I stood there in utter horror. Crack. I cringed.

Hilaria's face and chest had been mauled by Wake's knife, but the damage done to Wake was far greater. The mace was lodged deep in his spine. He groaned miserably, defeated.

"Fern, come here," he gagged. "I entered the Games to protect you. My job is over now. You have to win."

"I can't, I'm protecting...Romy...." my heart leaped at the prospect of not knowing her whereabouts.

"You have to have to..." Wake gurgled and sputtered on blood, reaching towards my hand. I grabbed it.

"It's okay," I consoled him, "it's okay."

"You have to win. A lot of people need you. Win." With that, he gasped on more blood, and his chest heaved. His eyes rolled back into his head. The snow was red. BOOM. No. Behind me, leaning against a tree, Hilaria laughed.

"Your turn, Fern. Hahahaha!" she said wickedly. Her laughed was repeated, by many voices off in the distance. The voices continued laughing, growing louder. Hilaria ignored it, approaching me with the mace still in hand. I fumbled for my arrows, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to shoot. I couldn't do it.

The laughing grew unbearably loud and I saw several dog-like animals coming down the hill. Mutts. I'd been warned about these. I took off in the direction Romy had gone, Hilaria screaming with fear and fury. She swung the mace at me, grazing my jacket, tearing it and my skin. I felt blood trickling out of my arm. I wanted to scream. But I had to find Romy.

As I ran in a desperate search, I heard Hilaria's blood curdling screams begin to die down, drowned out by the laughing mutts. BOOM. Don't worry about it, keep moving. Remember your cause. I searched frantically for several minutes, my arm was wearing with pain but I ignored it.

"Romy!" I finally screamed. "Romy! Where are you?!" I soon found out.

She was propped up against a rock, looking tired.

"Thank God, I found you!" I said with relief, "Are you---" I gasped. She clutched her side, but I could see blood seeping out of her fingers. She was very calm. Almost too calm.

"Who did this to you?" I asked angrily, protectively. She didn't respond. "Who did this to you?!" I screamed.


"He's gonna pay for this!" I screamed. Small tears fell down Romy's gentle face.

"I was never supposed to win, Fern," she said.

"What does that mean? Romy! You can't die! I have to get you home!" I sobbed. She simply shook her head. I could hear her raspy breathing.

"You need to win."

"No, you can't die! I'll never live with myself if you do!" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry! You're like my sister, I have to protect you! This is all my fault!"

"Fern, win so you can tell my family I love them."

"No, no, no! Romy!" She stopped breathing. Her eyes shut for the last time.



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