Chapter 2

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Jasmine pov

I enter school with a lot on my mind heavy. I walk to my locker and and open it. When i grab my books this girl that hates me knock all my books out my hand and laughed. I got so angry and lost my mind i grab her by her throat and started to bang her head until the lockers. I released all my anger out on her face.
I felt tingling went threw my body and fell to the ground.
The campus police tase me about 5 times where i just blanked out.
When i woke up i was in the hospital tied to the bed. I look over and saw my mother.
Me: why am i here
Mom: your dumb ass beat some girl up and they think you have a mental illness. They want to put you in a hospital but i told them no.
Me: why it will probably be better their then living with you.
Mom: shut the fuck up bitch ! I need get my dam crack bitch and you are going to get them.
Me: I am not doing a dam thing bitch
My mother got up and slap the shit out me.
I started to cry and scream for help. "Shut up you better not say shit or im beat your ass when we leave" my ma said.
The nurse came in to talk to me and my mother .
Nurse: jasmine i have some good news and some bad news. Which one you like to hear first.
Me: bad news
Nurse: well you lost your baby
My mother: what the fuck you did not tell me you was pregnant.
Me : i did not know i was pregnant.
Nurse: the good news is you can leave now if you would like to.
After the nurse left my mother untied me from the bed. " I am about to go get your discharge papers, put on your clothes i will be right back.
While my mother was gone i was thinking about escaping but I decided not to.
I walked out the room and met my mother at the desk. We walk to the car when she got done.
"What kind of idiot you are not to know you are pregnant " my mother said.
" how was I suppose to know i was pregnant , and plus I wouldn't know the daddy you got me out here selling my body so you can get money" i said mad as fuck.
" shut the fuck up, thats right you getting me money so yo dumbass can eat bitch" my mom said
" you the reason my unborn child died anyway!" I yelled
I felt a hard slap across my face. I started to cry hard. I climb in the backseat and just cried.
I close my eyes and started to dream what i wish my life was like.
I felt the car stop and we was at home. I walked in the house and went to my room.
"Jasmine your principal suspended you for a month , all your classes will be online, and also the girl is trying to press charges" my mother yelled
"Ok, so i don't care she should have never mess with me" i yelled back
"Well since you are suspended you have plenty of time to make money " she yelled back
I buried my head in my pillow and started to ask myself why my life.

Shayla pov

I was in my 8th period when this girl came up to me.
Random girl: hey aint jasmine your sister
Me: no my cousin why
Random girl: well this morning she beat savanna up very bad.
Me: you sure you talking about jasmine black ?
Random girl: yes! She had on black pants and a red hoodie.
Me: thats her thanks for telling me
The random girl walked off I pulled out my phone and started to text jasmine and layla in our group message.
Group message
Jasmine what happened i herd you got into a fight is that true?
Lala: i herd the same thing shy
Jas!: yes i whoop savanna ugly ass for knocking my books out my hand. And now I'm suspended for a month and she trying to press charges. Ma told me they was going send me to a crazy hospital. But now she said i can make more money.😑😭
Me: no hell you dont! You have to figure out a plan to get the hell up out that house! Cps dont care because aunt know people there.
Lala: i got a plan!
Jas: what it is ?
Me: it better not b stupid
"Tonight read pages 350-460 and answers questions on page 800-810. Class is dismissed. Miss shayla i need for you to stay after class. " my teacher announced.
I got back on my phone and replied back to my cousins.
Me: lala meet me at my locker mr.jack want to talk to me tell us later 👋🏿!
I watched as everyone left the class to see what Mr.Jack wanted.
Mr.jack: I noticed you haven't been completing your homework . Is there something going on at home
Me: no i just be busy lately
Mr.jack: you know in order to pass you need to do your homework it counts 60% of your grade.
Me: yes i will start doing it.
Mr.jack: to be nice i want you to do all homework assignments that was due and turn it in you have until Christmas break to finish it. I know it probably hard since you lost your mother.
Me: thanks i will complete it mr.jack

I got up and walk to my locker. I saw layla sitting on the bench waiting for me.
Layla: what he wanted
Me: he ask me why haven't I been doing my homework . Then he said i got until Christmas break to finish it.
Layla: thats 2 weeks away, how many assignments you have to do
Me: about 9 or 10 plus today's assignments
Layla: that is to much for you to handle in to weeks. Me and jasmine might have to help you i don't want you to get kick out that program.
Me: i might just give up on this program aint no way i can finish all the assignments but i will try.
Me and layla talked about a lot of things while we walked home.
As we walked in the yard I noticed aunt car wasn't in the yard. We knocked on the door and jasmine open it.
I walked in the kitchen and was about to grab a drink. "Ma left both of yall Popeyes its on the table and she gone for 2 weeks on a business trip" jasmine said.
I grab my food and sat at the table
My aunt has a good job and sometimes she has to travel. When she travel we are free from her attacking us. Two weeks without the devil is the best thing ever.
After i was done eating i walked to my room and started to do my homework. I might get to finish my homework sine the devil is gone.

Layla pov

I sat on the sofa and pulled out my homework.
After I completed my homework i look at the flyer my teacher gave me.
It's about the talent show the school is having . I wasn't going to join it but my teacher said its apart of our final grade.
When i was in class the teacher ask what do everyone would like to do. When he got to me I said dance. Everybody in my class started laughing and whispering. I over herd this girl say " that ugly nappy headed bitch cant dance"
I just sat there like none of there words hurt me. There words actually do not hurt me because what I experience at a young age. I learned by myself people will bring you down to make they selves look better.
I really stop caring of people comment about me i keep to myself.
Even though I haven't dance in about 3 years i will try my best to show the school and other who I really am.

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