Chapter 1

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Jasmine pov

"Get your ass up Jasmine!"my mom yell to me. I slowly got out of bed and walk to the bathroom and look at my face. The man that was here with my mom last night beat me for not listening to him.

My name jasmine  I am 17 years old. I live with my mother,sister and cousin. My mother is on drugs very bad. When i was 9 me and my mother walked end on my dad cheating and my mother killed him. Even since then my mother been on drugs. My auntie and grandmother died from a car accident so my mother took in my cousin shayla. So thats my bad life with no help.

"I NOT GOING TO TELL YOU NO MORE TO BRING YOUR ASS DOWN THESE STAIRS AGAIN"i herd my mom yelled. Sometimes she just make me sick.
As im going down the stairs i see one of biggest drug dealer/ pimp looking at me.
"YES,what you want" I said..this is the man you are going to live with cause i need my dam crack and weed my mom said.
"What the fuck ! why u doing me like this? I said
Because he gone put you on streets so i can pay him off and me to keep getting drugs ,my ma said
Im not selling my body ! Im not leaving! I hate yo dumb ass ! I ran to my room and lock the door.
i started packing up all the stuff i wanted. I went into my closet nd got my shoe box full of money. I walk over to my sister and cousin room thats connected to my room. "im finna to run away from this crazy bitch , are yall coming or staying"i said to them. YES We are going they both said. I lock there doors and we all climb out the window. As we walk down the driveway i look back at the house that once was a happy home.

We kept walking until it was dark. As we was walking a police car stop us.
Officer: we found you guys your mother is worried sick about yall
Me: we are not going back to that house with that crazy lady
Officer: why not ? What the problem Me: to make a long story story my mother is on drugs ! Look at my face the dude she had last night beat me almost to death.
Officer: your mother told me you would try to lie. Now get in the car for i beat your dumbass so more.
So we move towards the car and got in. I was going to run but i was scared for my life after the beating i had last night.
When we arrived home my mother came to the car and drug me in by my hair and threw me into the closet. All I could do is cry. After a hour of beening lock in the closet my mother let me out.
Mom: you dumbass bitch, you mess up my way of getting drugs! I wish u would grow the fuck up.
Me: i hate you bitch !
My mother grab me by my neck and started to attack me I tried to fight back but I couldn't. I was fading out , i saw my sister and cousin trying to fight my mother off me and then i black out.

I woke up to hot water been poured on my face, i jump up fast as i could.
Mom: clean this shit up and get ready for school bitch.
I did as my mother told me while crying in pain. When i was finished i went and look in the mirror my face was so messed up I couldn't even cry. I took a shower and grab my makeup kit. I noticed the clock said 6:50 so i had rush to get dress. I walk down stairs to meet my sister and cousin down so we could walk to school.

We all go to the same school . I am in the 12th , shayla in the 11th and Layla is in the 9th. As we walked to school I told them im making another plan to escape from home.

Shayla Pov
I cry every night my auntie do crazy things to us. My life is so bad to the point i want to kill myself. Last time I tried kill my self i was sent to a program and had to take medicine for 8 months. I really lost my mind when my mother died. But the feeling is coming back. My auntie (karma) is giving me , jasmine, and Layla hell.

Last night me and Layla almost witness her kill jasmine. We had to jump in and stop it. She hit me so hard I couldn't breath right. I got marks down my back where she beat me with a lamp. I could easily runaway on my on but i cant leave my cousins.
I just wish someone could help us before aunt karma kills us.

Every time we runaway we get caught. The only time i feel that im escaping the pain is when i am singing. My aunt karma told me i cant sing and i will never be shit in life. It hurts to hear that from a family member. I hate my life and i just want to end it soon.

Layla pov

My sister and cousin always get beat by my mother. I cry when she beats them nearly to death. After she beats them she makes me sleep with men for drugs. Im so tired of living like im in hell.
I have bruises from when the men rapping me slap and choke me. I feel so dirty that old men rape me.
People at school laugh at me because im so quiet. They call me weird and ugly. If they only knew i cut my self to hide the pain. When i cut my self i feel like a new person.
I use to be one of the best dancers in town. One day my mother push me down the stairs when i was 10 and I broke almost every bone in my body. The doctors said I was lucky to be living but I probably want be able to ever dance again. Ever since that day i hated my mother and i hope she gets caught.

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