Even more drabble prompts

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1. "Don't you dare say another word."

2. "We're going to freeze to death."

3. "I don't mind if I do."

4. "I've never seen you dance before."

5. "What do you mean you're leaving?"

6. "You drank a gallon of milk over night."

7. "Please, I'm begging you."

8. "You don't know how to tie your shoes?"

9. "Is a chicken really a bird if they can't fly?"

10. "You may be a grown up, but you're still my baby."

11. "I got fired."

12. "We're out of money?!?"

13. "Have you seen my stamp collection?"

14. "Fire! Fire! Fire!"

15. "You watched 4 seasons today?"

16. "Stop questioning my life choices."

17. "You didn't have to marry me, you know."

18. "It's my turn to pick."

19. "It's a hundred degrees out."

20. "When's the last time you smiled?"

21. "Stop being such a brat."

22. "If I wanted one, I would have gotten it myself."

23. "Wanna see something cool?"

24. "I think it's broken."

25. "This is a once in a lifetime thing and you want me to blow it off."

26. "Friends don't last, they never last."

27. "Sometimes I just don't want to exist."

28. "I should've written it down."

29. "Go eat an exotic food or something."

30. "Way to not like my Instagram post."

31. "Remember Walkmans?"

32. "S/He would have really loved that..."

33. "It's a shame when things, when people, go so soon."

34. "They used to tell me I'd never amount to anything."

35. "I almost didn't graduate."

36. "I should've stayed in bed."

37. "I woke up knowing this would happen."

38. "I had a dream last night about _____."

39. "She sat next to me on the bus."

40. "Just promise to never lie to me, okay?"

41. "I thought you said you were a doctor!"

42. "This cost a thousand dollars?!"

43. "Foreigners...pffft."

44. "He used to be my best friend."

45. "Look at them, their perfect tans and cold margaritas...assholes."

46. "I'm not the jealous type, I swear."

47. "I didn't cheat!"

48. "Let me smell your breath."

49. "Did you let the dog out?"

50. "We're taking you downtown."

51. "If you don't like it, leave."

52. "She's got a way with words."

53. "I didn't know it when I met her."

54. "It sure as hell does change things!"

55. "I remember when you were a baby!"

56. "Give me my beer, or else..."

57. "You asked me if unicorns were real."

58. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

59. "Why so glum?"

60. "Cotton candy is for adults too, leave me alone."

61. "Yeah, okay, when pigs fly."

62. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

63. "Picnics are for losers."

64. "If I could go back, I wouldn't change anything."

65. "Somethings are just better as memories."

66. "She was hot, admit it."

67. "When the hell did you break the vacuum?"

68. "We're rich."

69. "Bed. Now."

70. "Call me that one more time, see what happens."

71. "Don't ever call here again."

72. "Your brother told me all about it."

73. "I'm pregnant."

74. "Happy birthday!"

75. "Apples, oranges, same thing."

76. "Don't let it go to your head."

77. "Is it gone?"

78. "Where's the first aid kit?"

79. "What do you mean you're in jail?"

80. "Fight me."

81. "Will you marry me?"

82. "stop worrying so much!"

83. "Come on! Hurry!"

84. "Put your hands where I can see them."

85. "You're cute with glasses."

86. "Are you five?"

87. "You have enough."

88. "Are you drunk?"

89. "Road trip!"

90. "You've been listening to the same song on repeat all week...."

91. "She's your sister. You have to help her."

92. "I owe you what?"

93. "Let's bet."

94. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

95. "I could've gone pro."

96. "All I need is you, and Cheerios."

97. "You don't need another dog."

98. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

99. "Nobody needs fake friends."

100. "I just want somebody who'll text first."

101. "Buy me chocolates and tell me everything's going to be okay."

102. "Are you asking me out?"

103. "Remember that really embarrassing memory you told me to never speak of again?"

104. "I'm soaked."

105. "He's been like that all day."

106. "This house isn't even haunted."

107. "Isn't that bad luck?"

108. "Shut up and dance."

109. "You're such an ass."


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