Character sheet.

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Creating an OC is always complicated: sometimes you forget how you previously described them and so on... Here's a sheet from witterprompts, on Tumblr, to help you with your different OC.


"A quote from or about your character."

- Book, Chapter, Thought, Etc.

General Information

Name: [The name you call them and they call themselves mainly; but if it isn't their real biological name, make sure you note that information down somewhere]
Name Meaning: [Self explanatory]
Pronunciation: [Self explanatory]
Other Names: [Nicknames? Aliases?]
Titles: [A title they might have earned? Like 'The Trouble Maker' or 'General'?]

Sex: [Self explanatory]
Gender: [Self explanatory]
Age: [Can add what they look like in terms of age]

Birth Date: [Were they born on Earth with our terms of years?]
Birth Place: [Self explanatory; where were they born?]

Species: [Human? Shape shifter? Alien?]
Home-Planet: [Earth? Mars? Completely made up planet?]
Nationality: [I think this goes without saying]
Occupation: [Space janitor? Mortician? Artist?]

Dominant Hand: [Ambi? Left? Right? Third Hand?]
Astrological Sign: [Leo? Cancer? Virgo? A completely new one?]
Blood Type: [Might come in handy]


Main Appearance: [Here's where I put a detailed paragraph or two talking about the general description of my character, from skin color, to facial shape, to height/weight, hair color, birthmarks, scars, skin conditions, eye color, etc.]

Alternative Appearances: [This refers to other forms your character might have. Like, say they have a disguise or they're a shape shifter]


Wardrobe: [Self explanatory]

Accessories: [Self explanatory]
Musical Instruments: [Self explanatory]
Piercings: [Self explanatory]
Hygiene: [Self explanatory]
Makeup: [Self explanatory]
Perfume / Cologne: [Self explanatory]
Scent: [Natural]
Tattoos: [Self explanatory- I usually put this and piercings up in Appearance, but if it's feeling cluttered to you, this is fine]


Diet: [Self explanatory]
Exercise: [Self explanatory; how frequently?]
Fitness: [Self explanatory; Are they 'in shape'?]
Posture: [Self explanatory]

Abnormalities: [In their health]
Aids: [Medicines, coping habits, Glasses, Hearing Aids, etc?]
Allergies: [Include their severity]
Diseases: [If they have any]
Illnesses: [If they have any]
Disorders: [If they have any]
Broken Bones: [If they have any]
Reason for Health: [This is a general explanation of how they might have come to have what they have, hereditary or if they fell from a tree and got a broken bone]


Accent / Dialect: [Self explanatory]
Voice: [Self explanatory; rough/delicate/raspy, etc]
Laughter: [Self explanatory; is it breathy? Bubbly? Almost too soft to hear?]
Impediments: [Self explanatory; stutters, etc.]


Languages: [Languages they might know]
Personality: [Self explanatory; this usually gets really long]


Outlook on Life: [Self explanatory]
Philosophy / Motto: [Self explanatory]


Priorities: [Self explanatory; goals they have in mind?]
Self Confidence: [Self explanatory; how they outwardly show it]
Self Control: [Self explanatory]
Self Esteem: [Self explanatory; this is how they feel deep inside]

Quirks: [Self explanatory; like, do they rub their neck a lot? Always fiddle with stuff?]
Hobbies: [Self explanatory]
Closet Hobbies: [Self explanatory; stuff they aren't too keen on sharing]
Guilty Pleasures: [Self explanatory]

Habits: [Self explanatory]
Nervous Tics: [Self explanatory]
Soft Spots: [Self explanatory]

Most Prized Possession: [Self explanatory]
Collections: [Self explanatory]

Regrets: [Self explanatory]
Secrets: [Self explanatory]
Darkest Secret: [Self explanatory]
Pet Peeves: [Self explanatory]

Phobias: [Self explanatory]


Likes: [Self explanatory]
Dislikes: [Self explanatory]

Favorites: [Self explanatory; general things, such as favorite food, movie genre, music, etc]
Least Favorites: [Self explanatory]


Ability: [Self explanatory]
Position: [Self explanatory; position they find themselves when in combat, defense or offense, as well as if they're leader, etc]
Weapon: [Self explanatory]
Element: [Self explanatory]
Martial Arts: [Self explanatory]
Strengths: [Self explanatory]
Weaknesses: [Self explanatory]
Restrictions: [Self explanatory]

Home, Work, and Education

Abode: [What kind of place do they live in? Apartment? Duplex? House? What does the interior look like?]

Pets: [Self explanatory]
Roommates: [Self explanatory]

Sleep Patterns: [Self explanatory]
Eating Habits: [Self explanatory]


Mother: [Self explanatory]
Father: [Self explanatory]
Guardians: [Self explanatory]
Siblings: [Self explanatory]
Children: [Self explanatory]
Best Friend: [Self explanatory]
Close Friends: [Self explanatory]
Friends: [Self explanatory]
Team: [Self explanatory]
Acquaintances: [Self explanatory]
Rivals: [Self explanatory]
Enemies: [Self explanatory]


First Love: [Self explanatory]
Love Interests: [Self explanatory]
Significant Other: [Self explanatory]
Sexual and Romantic Orientation(s): [Self explanatory]


(Optional; but generally, this is how they react to what they're feeling)



Background: [Self explanatory, but basically how they've grown up- their past, etc. that leads up to their story]

Earliest Memory: [Self explanatory]
Fondest Memory: [Self explanatory]
Worst Memory: [Self explanatory]


[If you've missed anything, you can add it here! Fun things to add: MBTI types, temperament, Hogwarts House, Pokemon Team, etc.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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