♡ Chapter 14 ♡

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"Victory smoothies!" Keera clapped as the waiter served them their beverages. The group took them and clinked them together for a lame excuse of a 'toast'. Keera started talking to Damian about his recording career and whatnot while Ariana sipped her smoothie quietly.

While Brandon jumped into the conversation, she found herself sipping the bottom of the glass until there wasn't anything left. She set the glass down on the table and leaned back on her chair with a content sigh.

"Well someone's feeling good today," Brandon observed as he took a sip from his drink.

Ariana grinned at him. "What did you expect, Davis?" Brandon seemed taken aback at Ariana calling him by his last name, but he recovered and flashed her a fake scowl, which she returned with one of her own.

The group chattered away cheerfully, and Ariana realized that she never had so much friends ever before in her life, even if she only had three at the moment. It was still more than enough for her.

In the midst of a debate about whose hair was better - Brandon's or Damian's, Ariana suddenly felt an odd churn in her stomach.

Probably just a little bit too full, she pondered.

After another few minutes, her mouth started to fill with too much saliva, and she felt an odd taste in it. That was when she started to worry.

"Uh, guys? I'm going to excuse myself to the bathroom for a while," and she walk-ran to the bathroom. She leaned against the sink, staring at her reflection. She suddenly looked pale. Her lips were becoming dry all of a sudden, and she felt something tug at her stomach.

This can't be good, she thought right before she vomited up a storm. It was approximately six minutes until Keera came banging on the doors of the girls' bathroom.

"Ariana? Ariana, are you in there?! What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing! I'm just feeling a little sick is all." But Ariana wasn't able to finish her sentence since she unleashed another round of disgusting bile. Keera busted in and saw the disgusting state that Ariana was in. She held Ariana's hair back while she let everything loose.

"What happened?!" Keera asked.

"I don't know, one minute I felt fine and the next I'm puking up a storm!" Ariana said. It took a while but Ariana finally stopped puking up a mess in the bathroom. Keera helped her back to the table. When the two boys saw the fast deterioration of Ariana's appearance, they shot out from their seats, worry coated all over their faces.

"What happened to you, seashell?" Brandon worriedly asked.

"Probably just food poisoning, or in this case - drink poisoning," Keera told him. They paid for the beverages, not leaving any tip, and proceeded back to Keera's car. Keera knew where Brandon lived, so she didn't need to ask for directions.

When they pulled up in their driveway, Brandon grabbed Ariana's arm and put it around his neck so that he was supporting half her weight.

"Brandon, I'm fine! I'm not injured, I can walk fi-" and Ariana vomited on the Millers' driveway. The three exchanged worried glances and that was when Ariana's mom came rushing out the main door.

She was startled at first, asking all sorts of questions. Until she helped Ariana up to her room and ushered the three inside. The twins were sleeping soundlessly in their room. And while Ariana did her business in her bathroom, Ariana's mother offered chips to the three. They all sat around the Millers' kitchen table, discussing all sorts of subjects ranging from how they met Ariana to the recent political issues.

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