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"Baaa! It's a thingy!" Markiplier's voice emitted from my screen as I walked out of my pale creamy kitchen and into my apartments living room with a hot chocolate in hand I pulled out my phone plopping down on the couch, my long brown hair swooped down into my face. I was a very popular and well noticed YouTuber by the name of ACGaming, and by my name you can only guess that I'm a gamer...And I am. I pushed my hair out of my face as I set my hot chocolate down on my coffee table, pulling my apple laptop into my lap and clicked out of Mark's video. I saw I had an unread message, I squinted my eyes as I drug my finger across the little finger pad, making the mouse move to my messaging system. I clicked on it and it immediately going to my new message.
Sarah:Hey G, wanna hang today?
Me:Yeah sure, wanna come over then?
I replied and set my laptop down as I took my hot chocolate in hand and took a sip of it. I half yelled as it burnt me, I forgot to put milk in it...I set it back down as I stuck my tongue out and frantically ran to the kitchen. I leaned over the kitchen sink turning it into cold and sticking my mouth under it. I sat there and let the water cool down my burnt tongue as I just kept staring at he wall. I stood up again and shut off the water as I turned and stomped back into the living room, falling back on to the couch and checking my laptop to see if Sarah had answered which she had.
Sarah:Yeah I'll be over by like 7 or so
Me:sweet see you then
Sarah:Kk bye
I closed my laptop and began to search for my phone, which I had lost again. I patted my pocket in my grey billa bong sweater feeling something hard and small ish. I sighed in relief as I reached my hand in and grabbed it pulling it out. The first notification on my phone was 'Instagram:schmoo124 tagged you in a photo' I smiled and opened it up typing my password in. It was a picture of me and Sarah together, and she put the caption as 'so grateful to have you in my life! Your my human diary and I love you to the moon and back! C'ya soon G~' I liked it and closed out of my phone getting up to go to the bathroom.
Wanna know how I got the nickname G? Well I don't care your gunna be told no matter what...
I was born with a large G birthmark on my chest...I honestly just think it was oddly formed into a perfect G, kinda like the Google sign. But what ever...My classmates saw it on one of our pool parties and ever since then I've been known as G in school and at home.
I washed my hands and looked into the mirror, fixing my hair and makeup. My freckles have started to darken since summer hit. My eyes were very green today because I wore a light grey sweater. I had light blue ripped skinny jeans on to match it. I smiled satisfied and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my headphones and shoved it in in the headphone port at the bottom of my phone, shoving it into my back pocket. I just kinda went on a walk everyday to stay healthy. I slipped on my grey DC high tops, reaching out for the doorknob. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. I jumped back scared out of my wits. I stared at the door for a second before taking out my phone and checking the time, it was only 4, it couldn't be Sarah. I slid it back into my pocket as I grabbed the door handle again ready to open it. Just as I was about to open the door, the door bell rang loud and clear scaring me again, well at least I know it works? I yanked open the door before it could scare me again and I was met with two men that look like this

Standing there, the one with green hair was looking down the hall as the one with blue hair had a straight unamused expression as his arms were crossed over his chest. "Um hi, how may I help you?" I asked politely catching the one with green hair's attention. "My name is Google, this is Jacksepticbot, we are here to retrieve you and bring you back to Google" Google introduced as he took a step forward. "What for?" I asked slightly panicked as I stepped back. "Oh, well your one of us" Jacksepticbot smiled as he stepped forward. "What are you? Aren't you men? Humans?" I asked completely scared again as I started to back away not stopping. "Oh, we're Google tech, meaning we're robots, and so are you" Google sighed fustrated. "No I'm a human, you must have me mixed up with someone else" I shook my head as I hit the kitchen counter. "No your not- oh yeah..." Google started but cut himself off mid sentence. He smirked as he straightened himself out and spoke huskily "Google, Activate". The big G on my chest started to glow as did my eyes. "W-what?!" I stuttered as I fell to the ground. "Google, do the dishes" Google commanded as he slid his hands into the front pockets of his pants. My body jolted up into a standing position as I walked over to the kitchen sink and started to do the dishes, only I wasn't the one who was controlling it. I felt someone poke me in the back of the neck causing my body to grown limp. I started to fall but Jacksepticbot caught me and put a arm around my torso as he pulled my other arm over his shoulder. I lifted up my head weakly. "W-what did you do to me?!" I half yelled do to exhaustion. "Well, I turned on your command taking abilities" Google chuckled as he pushed his glasses up his nose again. I sighed as I pushed away from Jacksepticbot. "I'm not going with you". "But you have to, we need you" Jacksepticbot whined as his eyes grew wide like a puppy's. I couldn't help but to nod my head and give in, like...who could say no to that adorable little face. "So...Where is this place?" I asked nervously as they lead me out of my apartment. Google looked over his shoulder slightly and glanced back at Jacksepticbot. "Meh, places" Google shrugged as he walked down a flight of stairs. I closed my door and kept my distance away from them as I followed them out of my building. 'I could make a break for it...They wouldn't even notice I bet!' I thought silently as they were talking about something ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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