My Sober Day Pt 3

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I wish Mommy and Daddy were here. They would know what to do. I knew that. But I also knew something else. That they would want me to be strong and to get out of here as soon as possible with Mr. Midnight by my side.

As I crouched on the ground, I saw a strange brown boxy-thing with gold stripes and a matching lock. It was very pretty. It doesn't look like something Phil would have. I clasped my frail hands around it and yanked it out from under the bed. It wasn't heavy at all. I pulled on the lock and the top came open. I quickly slammed it shut.

I really shouldn't be doing this... I mean, what if it's Phil's, will he be mad? I'm sure he won't mind. Oh, how I wish I could decide! Okay, I'll just take one peek, and then I'll close it and put it back where I found it.

I took a tiny peek and in there rested a golden key, glistening in the darkness of the case. Now this I couldn't resist. I quickly grabbed the key, shoved it in my purse, and threw the box under the bed, closing as it shut. I looked around me to ensure that no one saw. Not a soul. I understand that stealing is wrong, but so is holding a little girl captive.

I fled to my side of the room, grasping my purse with one hand and the hem of my dress with the other. I looked around me once more and pulled the key out of my purse. As I held it in my hands, I realized it was much smaller than I originally thought. Too small to open a door for sure... But just the perfect size for a nightstand drawer.

I stuck the key inside the hole and- BAM. It opened like magic. Inside rested only two items. The first one was a family portrait of me and my mommy and daddy and Aunt Grace and Mr Midnight sitting together. We took this picture the night they got him for me. After we ate dinner. I completely forgot about that picture. I thought we just ate and they left and...

A single tear slowly crept down my cheek. I wiped it away, sniffled once, and looked back at the picture. Why would they keep this from me?

Suddenly I became angry and threw the portrait down on the ground. Only one thing remained in the drawer. A skull hair clip. MY skull hair clip. I guess skull is some sort of metaphor for death- which they definitely wanted my mind off of- but I wasn't sure. I've also heard that pins can be used to pick locks. I grinned evilly to myself then shook my head and took a step forward. My foot nearly slipped on the photograph. I looked at it, then looked at the drawer. Looked at it, looked at the drawer. Picture. Drawer. I grabbed both the hairpin and the portrait and stuck them in my purse.

A light bulb suddenly went off in my brain. I rushed over to do the door, placed in the pin (haha I like rhyming), and turned it either left or right, I can't really remember. And......


Buuuut alas, there were two key holes. I sighed and placed the clip back into my bag, just so no one would take it. Looking back inside of my purse, I again saw the hook. Maybe I could kill the nurse with it if I try hard enough. Chills ran down my spine and my palms grew sweaty at the thought. I had to get out of here before I did something I'd regret.

Looking back at the nurse, I wondered if she had the key. If I could distract her away from the desk maybe I could sneak a peek at what she has in those drawers of hers.

"Nurse... Mrs. Nurse!" I jogged over to her desk and placed my hands on my knees, pretending to be out of breath. "Something happened!"

She let out an exaggerated, throaty groan. "See? you are nothing but trouble! What is it?"

I bit my lip and looked around, trying to look as ditsy and forgivable as possible. "I was trying to look outside and... um... accidentally broke the curtains." I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Pfft accidentally my ass! I have to fix this, follow me. Or don't. I don't care what you do as long as you don't ruin HOSPITAL PROPERTY." She sneered and instantly I thought of the wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz, a movie I watched in theaters with my mom when I was... five I believe?

I started thinking about the flying monkeys- and how much I wish I could fly away right now- until I realized I had been daydreaming and the nurse was probably expecting me by the curtains.

"Something is missing... Have you seen the hook that holds the curtains up?"

I thought for a bit. "What's a hook?"

A/N: Lmao I thought this would be a good place to end. Anyway sorry for not updating in literally fie months... I swear I'm not dead ;) But yeah, I hope you enjoyed!

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