My Sober Day Pt 2

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I paced around the large room I was being kept in. What happened in my dream? Why did it feel so real? What does Mr. Midnight want me to do... meet him in the forest maybe? None of the questions I had could be answered. Not until I explored, at least.

I found myself drawn to the wheelchair in the corner. As I ambled to where it gloomily sat, a nurse stared me down before going back to work. The old thing was caked in dirt and dust, with spiderwebs clinging to every nook and cranny. The wheelchair was pretty gross too. Haha!

Next to the seat, was a pair of wooden drawers. I took a quick glance at the nurse- she wasn't looking- and opened a few of the cabinets. Towels, towels, and more towels. In the drawers, bottles and glasses and glasses and bottles. Sigh. There was another window next to the drawers, but it was slightly cracked and boarded up. Perhaps someone had tried to escape... or get in. I didn't want to think about it.

The nurse was writing something down. It looked important. Maybe it wasn't though, and maybe I was just curious. Even so, I wanted to ask her about it.

"Hello nurse."

"Hello Fran. You are awake I see."

"How long was I asleep?" It couldn't have been long, though it felt like forever.

"Three days, maybe." Three days? I didn't even know it was possible to sleep for three days without medication. Then again, who knows what they could have done to me while I was sleeping.

"I need to find kitty," I said, mostly to myself. The nurse seemed very annoyed at this.

"Your cat is probably dead, girl! Now leave, I'm working."

Why, how rude of her to say! I guess I shouldn't worry about what others tell me... I need to find kitty. This can wait until later.

To the left my bed was Phil's section. I find it a bit strange that they would put a girl and a boy in the same room, but I didn't mind. He was my friend.

"Hello, Phil."

"Hello..." He seemed sad. Phil is never one to show much emotion, but I could sense something was wrong. The dark circles under his eyes had grown more prominent, and he was shaking much more than usual.

"How are you?"

"Everybody says that I'm sick."

"They always say that! They're just stupid!" Phil sees things, just like I do. We talk about it together, and the nurses call us sick. They pick on Phil more than me though, probably because of that time he bit that mean lady's hand. She was asking for it.

"Are you leaving tonight?" he asked me quietly, looking around to make sure no one could hear. I smiled slightly.

"I will, if you help me." He sighed.

"The only thing I know is that the office is the key."

"There's a key inside the office?" I could already smell the fresh air.

"I saw the doctor write a secret code!"

"To open the yellow door?" He waited a few seconds before responding.

"... He doesn't want me to tell you."

"Who? The doctor you mean?"

"No... Him." He reached out a weak finger in front of him, pointing to the air. I looked at him questioningly. Nothing was there. Until...

Before I could blink, a bright white light shone throughout the room, and an odd portal appeared where Phil had been pointing. Suddenly, a large, bony creature emerged from the sphere. It had a ram-like face, with blood streaming down from its pointy horns. It reached a long, slender finger out to me and loudly grumbled a message:

"All doors are closed. You are a prisoner of my games. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY... will help you escape." He laughed a booming laugh and flew instantly out of sight. I crumpled to the ground, tears streaming down my face.

G-Go away. I hate you...

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