Chapter 3

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When we got home Chul-Hwan went to the kitchen and made popcorn. We sat on the couch and he turned on a movie. I watched and about 5 minutes later Chul-Hwan looked at me,
"Minna, who were you snapchating?" I frowned and turned to him.
"No one Chullie...I just mixed up his snapchat name with Choon-Hee's." He nodded and faced the TV again. I sighed and he froze, he snapped his head towards me.
"His...?" I glared at him,
"Yes his...can I not text a guy?" I crossed my arms and he sighed.
"Minna...what if he is a creep?" He looked down at me,
"Chul-Hwan he's not a creep! He's nice and I trust him..." I looked down and leaned back against the couch.
"Minna you met him an hour ago...on snapchat..." He paused the movie and stared down at me. I sat up and looked at him,
"Chul-Hwan why can't you believe me?! He's not a creep or whatever else you think he is!" I stood up and walked out of the room. I heard him sigh and I walked up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and got ready to go to sleep.

-one week later-
I woke up and stretched then got up to get dressed. After I did my hair and make-up I went downstairs. While I was eating I got two snaps:

Choon-Hee: hey Minna me and Eun wanted to know if you would go with us to the mall.

Jungkook: morning Minna! How are you?

I replied to Jungkook first and smiled to myself,

Good morning Jungkook! I'm doing😊

I'm pretty good. I'm you wanna get to know each other?


Okay okay I'll go old are you?

I'm 19!How about you?

20.....not that big of an age difference...wish I could meet you in person...😏😉

He sent me I winking face...and a smirky face... I looked to see if Chul-Hwan had seen. He wasn't even here...
What did it mean?! Why the smirky face... I called Eun...he would know...

"Hey Minna what's up?"

"Eun what does it mean if a guy sends you a winking face and a smirky face?"

"Well...usually that means he likes you....or something more..."

"Wait what?!"

I knew Eun's dirty mind so I didn't think much of what he said...

"Calm down Minna it's just a wink and smirk face it's not that big of a deal..."

"If you say so..."

That's when I heard Chul-Hwan's voice in the background,
"Who is sending her a wink face?!" Crap, he was there. I hung up and messaged Jungkook again...

Um...yeah... Maybe we could meet😊

Idk Minna....anyways I actually gtg...byebye!❤️😘

I shrugged the emojis off and messaged Choon-Hee.

Yeah that sounds good! I'll meet you at 11:00!

Okay cool! See you!😊

To think after a week me and Jungkook didn't even know each other's ages. I turned off my phone and sighed. When I finished eating it was 11:30 I sat on the couch and heard the front door open; Chul-Hwan was home...
"Minna...why is he sending you a wink face....AND a smirk?"
"Chul-Hwan stop worrying! It's not a big deal!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"It is a big deal Minna! He's acting like you are dating! Do you even know how old he is?!
"He's 19 Chul-Hwan! He's not a creep! Why would you care anyways?! You never did before!" He looked down and walked away,
"Fine Minna.....EunJin and Choon-Hee are waiting..." He disappeared into his room and I checked the time, 12:06. I walked outside and got into Eun's car,
"Okay! Let's go!" He started the car and started driving. I just stayed silent as Choon-Hee and Eun talked,
"Minna...hello! Minna?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards Choon-Hee, "where do you want to eat?" I shrugged I turned towards the window again.
"I don't guys can pick..." Eun just stared at the road and Choon-Hee frowned.
"Okay then Eun, we can go where you wanted to..."
We got to the mall and went into a cafe. When we got there Eun ordered our drinks, I got hot chocolate. A few minutes after being crowded by fan girls. A group of 7 boys came into the cafe. Most of them were wearing a black face mask. I saw Eun and Choon-Hee freeze and stare at the group,
"Minna! That's BTS!" I heard Choon-Hee whisper-scream and she continued to stare at them. I looked over and examined the group, one boy caught my eye and I ended up staring myself. The boy was looking down at his phone and another blonde-haired member was looking over the boys shoulder. Then I got a snap,

Hey Minna! I'm finally off the plane, I thought the plane ride would never end...

Oh hi! You'll never believe what just happen...


I began to type my response and I heard the blonde say something that stopped me,
"Oooooo jungkookie who's Minna?!" I snapped my head towards the group the same time Choon-Hee and Eun looked over at me. Their eyes were wide and I slowly turned over to them,
"Hey Minna....what's the guys name you are snapchating?" Eun looked down at my phone and I replied,
"J-Jungkook..." He stared at my phone and I messaged Jungkook,

Hey umm....where are you right now?

I'm at a cafe.....why?


I shut off my phone and walked over to their table. All the members except the boy stared at me.

Because I'm right behind you...

I saw the boy look up and slowly turn towards me...
"M-Minna?" He stared at me and the other members looked back and forth between us.
"Yep that's me...." I smiled and he just stared, "Jungkook...why didn't you tell me you were an idol?" I put my hands on my hips and I heard the blonde behind him speak,
"OHMIGOSH! The girl Kookie was texting is heeerrrre..." The blonde pushed past Jungkook and hugged me, "hello Minna a I'm Taehyung! You can just call me Tae though...." He smiled and I just stood there,
"Tae you're going to scare her" I voice I hadn't heard spoke from behind the group. Taehying quickly let go and gave me a box smile. I stared at Jungkook and he walked forwards. I smiled and he smiled back before hugging me as well,
"Minna I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was going to today actually..." I stood there and he hugged me and I could feel Choon-Hee and Eun burning holes through the back of my head with their eyes. I hugged him back,
"It's okay Jungkook...I'll live...I just wish you would have told me sooner..." He let go of me and smiled,
"I'm sorry..." He looked over my shoulder and saw Choon-Hee and Eun. "Are those the friends you told me about?" I smiled and looked back at them,
"Yep! That's Choon-Hee and Eun" both of them practically ran up.
"Hi!" They said in unison. I laughed and let them talk while I look me at the other members. The one that had told Taehyung to stop earlier walked up and smiled,
"I'm yoongi! It's nice to finally meet you Minna!" I smiled then one by one I got introduced to everyone. There was Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok. Hoseok however told me to call him Hobi.
After talking for a bit I was also instructed by Jungkook to call him Kookie. We all talked for about an hour in the cafe then we all left together to go shopping. Choon-Hee and Eun went off with Namjoon, Jin, and Hobi. I went with Kookie, Jimin, Yoongi, and Tae. They all decided they wanted to pick out some outfits for me and I tried each one on. I ended up buying the ones that Kookie and Yoongi picked out. They were pretty good at picking out cloths for a girl. I laughed to myself at the thought and walked out of the store with the guys.
We avoided paparazzi and fan girls for as long as possible. The guys tried their hardest to keep me and my friends from being seen so we didn't have to deal with questions and being blinded by a camera. But it failed, I don't know about the others but I was flooded with questions and cameras were constantly flashing. Jungkook stood I front of me,
"Can everyone please leave this poor girl alone?!" He took my hand and followed the other guys out of the area and into a store. Kookie talked to severity and they managed to keep everyone from stampeding into the store. Jungkook looked at me, "I'm sorry Minna this is my fault..." He looked down and scratched the back of his head. The other members left to go look for outfits for themselves.
"Kookie this is not your fault...I'm going to have to get used to it if I'm going to be on nickname basis with BTS." I smiled and he laughed slightly,
"Okay okay fine. But if anything bad ever happens because of this you tell me okay?" He look at me and I could see the serious look in his eyes. I nodded and he hugged me before turning and taking my hand again. I looked out the window, I saw the jealous faces of fangirls as they stared me down before I disappeared into the store with Kookie.

Hope you enjoyed!!! Plz comment your thoughts and up vote it would be sososoooo appreciated!!! WUV U ALL BYEBYE FOR NOW!!!❤️💖😘😊

-Panda Bear🐼

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