Wall Maria

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So, reader-Chan is a badass. Ok, you have long brown hair and brown eyes because majority  of  people  do and I want emersion here. Also if you want imagin freckles  as a tribute to Marco. I will cut your hair later so we will all have the same length in the story... I guess I'll  leave the length up to you guys...
I hate my life.
As far as I know, I have no parents, no family, no friends. Unless you count that one guy...
I would say I had caretakers. I work, I steal, I pay, and in return I get a place to sleep and a meal. Yay!

My earliest memories were of the stars. I would stand for hours at a time in the caves where the caverns of the underworld opened to the sky. Sometimes I saw the stars fly. I remember other stuff, like the best meals or my luckiest  getaways, or the kindest caretaker... but what I always come back to, and let's be real, the only memories that mattered, were of the stars. Then, suddenly like the whole thing was a dream, I was above  ground.  And I honestly don't know, or remember, how I got there.

It was the year 845.

I know that because the crates I was opening behind  the shop had the dates written on them.
It was just a normal day, I woke up late on the roof, having watched the stars make their nightly travels all night. I pay off the shop owner with work and anything of value I happen to come across. He let's me sleep on his roof and gives me scraps that his boy doesn't finish, which is not much but I can find my own food.
I got up and ran a few errands, and went to pick up a few crates of cloth from a weaver across town. I "work" for a tailor. As I walked, I watched the children play, the babies laugh, the mothers clean and nag, the fathers, all at work.
I stop at a street corner to watch, once, I may have wanted something similar, that wish got me in trouble more times than I care to admit, but now I know that a family is not needed in order to survive. You can keep your homes and rules and schedules and frequent meals. I have my strength, my freedom, and my stars.
I keep walking. I pick up the crates and stop to buy a pastry, I take my time with this part, it's not often I can sit down and buy my own food and just watch.

I eat the pastry slowly and play a game. There's  a woman trying to sell apples across the street:

A man walks up, "hey nice apples."
                               "Thanks, I grew them myself, they're all natural."
                               "Get 'em from you mama huh?"
                               "Yeah, want a free sample? They're pretty tasty.." 

I choke on my pastry at that last part I pretended to hear. I do this for everyone I see in the next twenty minutes and nearly break down in tears. I proabaly look crazy now to anyone who bothers to stop and glance at me.

Let them think. It'll  get me privacy and fear...

I remember  leaving the shop, it was so clear, there were birds and people and clouds.

So normal and sweet.

I remember walking past the Garrison guards, keeping my head down because I can't remember who I owed money to and who I robbed  to pay my debts. I needn't worry, they were all drunk as uaual. I remember tripping some screaming morons into a blundering pile, yelling something along the lines of:


Good, maybe she'll catch you and save me the trouble of finding you later.

I remember walking to the shop and going around to the back. I was opening the crates, the vibrant blues, and greens and reds.

So beautiful.

I hardly ever saw anything worth calling beautiful.
Except for my stars.

Who is this Mikasa I always hear about? All the neighborhood brats seem scared of her. I'll  have to go a few rounds with her someday...

I wanted to go to the meadow and watched the clouds, I wanted to bid the sun farewell and my stars hello.

"Sute! I need you to to put this order out back so it can be picked up!"

Ugh, bastard. I went to do as he said so I could go.

And wait for my stars.

I stacked the last one outside, allowing it's weight to pull me down over it so my stomach rested on the top of the crate, so I looked down at the ground. I watched the cracked stone, my arms ached. And then,

And clattered to the ground with a metallic *clink clink*

Then there was the explosion.

I heard it, I felt it, I didn't see it.

I didn't want to.

I had rarely ever felt this dread before, this ache, this fear...

Lookup. No.
Lookup, run. Flee... can't.

I looked up. Its head was already over the wall. Skinless, dead smile. Steam all over.

It's an ugly bastard. It's huge. Shit.

I was frozen in absolute terror, all instinct had abandoned me, all rationality had left me...

Like your parents

Like your friends

Like every person you ever cared about...

I am frozen
I gritted my teeth.
And smiled maniacally.

Hah, jokes on you brain.

It lifted it's leg, it's going to kick.

I never even saw my parents as far I know.

It's going to kick. They're going to get in.

I wouldn't know my parents from a hole in a cavern wall...

I need to run. I need to run.
Warmth flooded my legs and flowed up my arms and to my head.

How can I care for someone... I NEVER KNEW!?

I grabbed my hair pin and turned to run. I need my pin. I need my stars. I need my freedom. I need my strenght. My arms pumped, my heart jumped, my feet pound the stone road.


I run, I clutch my pin so hard I bleed.

Then Wall Maria Fell.

I go flying, then there's pain, and grit and stone and wood. They are in. They are coming. I open my eyes. There's a boulder embedded  into the shop ten meters away from where I lay. It collapsed. And and the rest went airborne  and landed on me. I'm pinned down. I'm hurt.

I'm Trapped.

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