A Plan

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You like? You like?! Hope so.... also:

Disclaimer: I'm using part of SNK episode 2 in dis to advance the plot but I don't own it, obviously. I have a disclaimer in the description but I didn't think I would follow the plot of SNK this closely but it kinda necessary. ... repeat


ok, let's go...


Well this sucks............ the one person, in my life, to cared about me, and I didn't even bother to say "Thank You." ....... Man, I am the most selfish person in the world.........

It had been a few days since I was dropped off at the refugee camp by Levi.

I had gotten my piece of bread for the day and was just, reflecting on how I had, once again, failed at life.

At least he doesn't have me to look after now...

I was so down that even my stars didn't cheer me up like they used to... I had been watching them later and later, not because I was thinking, but to escape my nightmares....

I couldn't escape the screams....... every night was screams and blood.

I swear, between those and dreaming about Hanji peeling off my finger nails I'll never sleep again, what the hell is that about anyway!?

I wasn't hungry but I was holding my little piece of bread in my lap by the warehouse that I now sleep in with everyone else. I still had the loaf that Levi gave me anyway. I missed Hanji too actually.

I looked towards a ruckus in the crowd, fingering my 'remembery necklace.' Some dark haired twerp had assulted a Garrison guard and was kicked to the ground by the guard and his buddy. Unfair and harsh but the kid looked like he could use a lesson. Plus I was getting tired of the guards calling us animals because we were a bit hungry. Not that I was okay enough to eat but still!

Oh, the brat is yelling now, yes I know what it is like ... I've seen one too close, one too TOO close, and many from atop the Wall...and they crushed the shop I lived on..... That doesn't mean I'll help you though.... oh, that blond coconut seems to be deflating the tension now...... pity....

"He's sorry! He's just hungry. We all do that sometimes! We speak out of turn. Forgive him!"

Heh heh! I thought that was a girl....

"Keep in mind who's giving up their share so you can eat! In case you didn't notice we're all hungry!" He began to walk off. Well that's not very fair at all...

"Tell your buddy a little gratitude goes a long way!!"

I wish I knew what you were talking about soldier. The only two people to help me didn't get any gratitude in return.... this little piece of bread means nothing to me, but it was worth beating a kid up in a crowd of people to you.....

Suddenly I got an idea. I got up and picked up my sack, I followed the two soldiers who beat up the twerp.

"Stupid refugees," the First One was saying. "It's been days and they're cheating the system now."

I followed them to the side of the warehouse.

"Do you think we were a little hard on the kid?" The Second One said. "He did kick you but, maybe he was just hungry."

"No way. That little brat had what was coming to him." They continued on their way.

I walked into the space between them and spoke up cheerily, "Oh, I agree! I wanted to get a few good licks in myself but you had that covered for us! Thanks for that!"

"Whoa!" The second soldier jumped and spun in mid air. That's right, you don't need maneruva gear to accomplish that move!

"What are you doing here kid!? Didn't your parents tell you it is rude to eavesdrop?!"

"Jeez! I just wanted to thank you for giving that brat a lesson! He's always talking like that, I sleep in the same warehouse as him and he just. Won't. Shut. Up!" I continued in the same annoyingly sweet voice I had perfected years ago...

"Oh, and I don't have any parents! I'm an orphan!" That last part usually makes people feel stupid and insensitive, same tone, same voice, but just a hint of sadness in my face. Ha ha! They look like they regret their rudeness already! I'm so good!

"Anyway!" I said, taking advantage of their silence. "I thought you two would like this! Behold!"
I channeled a little Hanji in my voice on that last part as I revealed my piece of bread ration I got earlier and held it out to them.

They hesitated for a second, but I knew they wanted it. I tore the little bread exactly in half and offered one side to each of them. That was all the invitation they needed, they grabbed the bread and tore off chunks at a time.

Heh heh, and you call us animals... you should see yourselves!...

Between bites, the first one asked "So what do you want kid? No one these days gives up food just because, you want protection or first place in line...?"

"Information." I dropped my nice girl act, the second one choked a bit at my tone but the first one didn't seem surprised. This is the part where I channel Levi now...

The first one looked at me and laughed, "Hard bargin kid, what do you want to know?"

"Tell me everything you can about the military."


Ok suckers, I've got three more parts to this story ready to publish and the rest of it is laid out in my head ready to be written. Comment on my story, tell me how I'm doing and I shall release the goods. 😈

(Plus, you know, I have a break from school so I have some time on my hands... I started to write for the comments. Though the votes would be cool I just want feed back right now...)

I literally have three chapters that will be published at a comment. Or three.

((If you are reading this after December 2016 just continue... and comment...))

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